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PL PACKET 10161984
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PL PACKET 10161984
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PL PACKET 10161984
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-3- <br /> September 28th:. Donations from Council and. staff were accepted and pictures .were <br /> • taken by the Bulletin reporter. <br /> Motion by Councilman Marks and seconded by Councilman Ranallo to authorize the <br /> Kiwanis Peanut -Day fundraiser to be conducted on St. Anthony streets September 28, <br /> 1984. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Mayor reported he had received a call from Douglas Kentock the previous even- <br /> ing regarding what Mr. Kentock considered to be an increase in air flights over the <br /> City. Mr. Kentock suggested the City might request the same noise measurements <br /> be taken for this area as are being taken for cities near the airport. Mayor <br /> Sundland said this call had reinforced his own observations while attending the <br /> Miracle Sunday observance at Faith Methodist Church, where the speaker's address was <br /> drowned out by the sound of large planes flying overhead. He reminded those present <br /> that this was not an unusual occurence since, in response to resident complaints in <br /> 1982 and 1983, he had written to the Metropolitan Airport Commission questioning at <br /> that time whether the airport traffic patterns had not been altered to send more <br /> flights over the City. It was the Mayor's recommendation tht he, the City Manager, <br /> and several concerned residents should meet with the Commission Chairman to discuss <br /> the problem. <br /> Motion by Councilman Marks and seconded by Councilman Enrooth to direct the Mayor <br /> and City Manager to set up an appointment with the Chairman of the Metropolitan <br /> Airport Commission to discuss with him what is perceived by the City to be an <br /> increase in air traffic over St. Anthony. <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> The Chemical Abuse Information Committee had conducted its Kids, Sports and Drugs <br /> program for high school students the previous Tuesday night, Councilman Marks <br /> reported and the response had convinced the Councilmember that "the greater com- <br /> munity is concerned about the drug problem among City youths". Councilman Marks <br /> reported each student who participates in a school activity had to sign a pledge <br /> not to use drugs or alcohol , which was witnessed by his or her, parent. The success <br /> of this program can only be evaluated in the years to come, the Councilman said. <br /> At 8:22 P.M. , the Mayor opened the public hearing to receive resident input on the <br /> allocation of what is estimated would be approximately S33,857 in Revenue Sharing <br /> funds for 1985. A notice of the hearing had been published in the August 28th <br /> Bulletin and posted at various locations throughout the City. <br /> When no one present responded to the Mayor 's invitation to speak to the issue, .. <br /> Councilman Marks inquired whether the funds could be used for the senior housing <br /> 202 project. He was told thatsuch funds had traditionally been used for capital. <br /> equipment purchases and building maintenance, .for which the need would be great <br /> next year. The Mayor indicated the City had historically stayed away from utilizing - <br /> these funds for long term expenses like salaries which could present major funding <br /> problems for the City if Revenue Sharing is eliminated i.n the future. <br /> The hearing was closed at 8:25 P.M. with the final budget to be prepared by staff <br /> • for Council approval at a later date. <br />
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