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PL PACKET 10161984
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PL PACKET 10161984
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PL PACKET 10161984
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1 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 'Mr. -Budnicki persisted in his belief that the proposed. structure "woul.d. be too long <br /> 4 for that small -lot", and indicated he was convinced the Commission would see he <br /> 5 was right after .it is constructed. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Under the "Unfinished Business" classification in the agenda, Mr. Childs had advised <br /> 8 that Robbie Nelson, whose request for a variance had been tabled August 21st, <br /> 9 would be constructing his addition in such a manner as to not require a variance. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Mike Anderson, 1809 South Plymouth Road, Minnetonka, was present to request concept <br /> 12 approval for his plans for rebuilding for sale of the storm damaged property at <br /> 13 2608 - 33rd Avenue N.E. , which he had purchased from his father's aunt, Ila Clark, <br /> 14 who could not bear to return to her home now that all her dearest belongings were <br />_ 15 gone. He said he had completely removed the damaged structure and dug out the <br /> 16 basement where there had been water problems in the past and now planned to <br /> 17 construct on the 47 X 156 foot lot a 34 foot wide structure for which he would <br /> 18 need a two foot variance to the City Ordinance requirement for 15 foot sideyard <br /> 19 setbacks. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 The plans, which were included in the Commission agenda, were the same ones as <br /> 22 used for the Robert Rivard home at 3224 Roosevelt Street N.E. , which had been <br /> 23 recommended by Mr. Hamer. However, since the Rivard home was built on a 51 foot <br /> 24 lot, Mr. Anderson indicated he doubted very much weather the City would be will - <br /> 25 ing to give him a four foot variance and said he would be adjusting the plans so <br /> 26 only a two foot variance would be necessary.. The mod-if.icat.ions would be.-made.,in--- <br /> • 2 7 the length of the home since there is plenty of room to the rear, Mr. Anderson said. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 The applicant indicated he had lived in the northeast metropolitan area most of <br /> 30 his life and had three relatives, including a sister who lives on Edward, within <br /> 31 10 blocks of the Clark home. The man- who lived next to this property was a friend <br /> 32 of his grandfather and Mr. Anderson said that he had indicated a great interest in <br /> 33 seeing him develop the property but had died two weeks previously. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 (here was an indepth discussion of the relation of the subject property and the <br /> 36 Hertog property, which Mr. Childs is certain would be replatted for residential <br /> 37 development some time in the near future, for which the Manager anticipates the <br /> 38 property owners would be seeking a similar. treatment on the corner lots as had <br /> a <br /> 39 been requested for the Peele property that evening. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Mr. Anderson indicated he agreed that it would be ideal to have his property <br /> 42 incorporated into the Hertog and Johnson developments as suggested by Commissioner <br /> 43 Jones, but since the Manager had indicated it could be some time before the <br /> 44 insurance settlement is made and the lot split for such a development realized, <br /> 45 the new property owner indicated he could .not delay his own project that long. - <br /> 46 He said he still hoped to get into the ground as soon as the City procedures would <br /> 47 permit and to have the home sold by Christmas. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 Mr. Anderson said he had found out the lot owned- by the east of his own <br /> 50 was 42 feet wide and he estimated the old structure, which was once used as a <br /> 51 schoolhouse, to be at least 10 feet from his property line. The applicant <br /> • <br /> 52 indicated he perceived he had a similar situation to the Peele's where it would be <br /> 53 hardship to build an attractive home in such a limited space .without ending up <br /> 54 with a "shed" appearance which had concerned Mr. Budnicki . Mr. Anderson also <br /> 55 contended the home he planned to build .on the lot would not appreciably increase <br /> 56 the value of the parcel beyond what- was there before the storm. <br />
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