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PL PACKET 02151994
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PL PACKET 02151994
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PL PACKET 02151994
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• STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: February 3, 1994 <br /> TO: Tom Burt, City Manager <br /> FROM: Sarah Bellefuil, Management Assistant <br /> SUBJECT: PETITION FOR SIGN VARIANCE, RUSSELL R. FREED, PROPERTY <br /> MANAGER, REPRESENTING R.J. JOHNSON COMPANY, 3055 OLD <br /> HIGHWAY 8 (MEDTRONICS BUILDING). <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The applicant is requesting a variance for one sign. <br /> The sign is already in place on the west side of the building. The sign has a total height of 5 <br /> feet. The dimensions of the sign surface is 3' x 5'4"; making a total sign surface area of 32 <br /> square feet (double-sided). The applicant stated that the sign is a directional sign. The City <br /> ordinance states that directional signs may only have a total surface area of 5 square feet. The <br /> applicant is applying for the variance because the sign exceeds the maximum allowable sign <br /> • surface area. <br /> By definition of the City ordinance the sign in question is not a directional sign or a ground sign. <br /> This determination has been made due to the size and location of the sign. It is not a directional <br /> sign because it does not indicate ingress and egress locations, which is the usual purpose of a <br /> directional sign. The major purpose is as an informational sign. It is actually more like a <br /> ground sign but does not fit that requirement either because it does not have a solid base. The <br /> building already has one large ground sign to the.south of the building. <br /> To grant the variance the question of hardship must be met. Hardship could be argued because <br /> the building is on a triangular lot. Therefore, the large sign south of the building can be seen <br /> from Hwy. 88 and Old Hwy. 8 when driving north but cannot be seen when driving south along <br /> Old Hwy 8. The applicant states that delivery personal are often not able to identify businesses <br /> within the building when approaching it. The size of the lot and the size and shape of the <br /> structure decrease the impact of the single sign to the south. <br /> RECOMMENDATION: <br /> Staff recommends that due to the size of the lot, size of the structure, and double frontage of the <br /> location in question, that a variance be granted for the ground sign to the west of the building, <br /> and that the base be enclosed for the sign to be in compliance. <br /> • <br />
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