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PL PACKET 05171994
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PL PACKET 05171994
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Regular Council Meeting Minutes <br /> April 26, 1994 <br /> Page 3 <br /> City Attorney Soth indicated that the Planning Commission minutes stated the reasons especially <br /> important at the end; i.e., reason (4) which is the six foot difference in the right-of-way which <br /> is a unique situation and certainly distinguishes this lot from any other in the City. <br /> Mayor Ranallo noted that the City Attorney was present at the April 19th Planning Commission <br /> meeting and after reviewing this issue indicated the findings were entirely appropriate. <br /> Motion by Marks, second by Enrooth to approve the setback variance request from Darrin and <br /> JoAnn Mercil, noting the following: (1) the lot limits the position of the home; (2) the City <br /> requires that the garage face Townview Avenue; (3) the lot is platted and buildable, but the <br /> previous home was small and not of today's standards; (4) because of the additional 6 foot right- <br /> of-way along the street, there is an additional circumstance that is found in almost no other place <br /> in this City; and (5) that the survey be rechecked to satisfy the neighbors. <br /> Motion carried unanimously <br /> Report of the Environmental Quality/Recycling Task Force <br /> Mayor Ranallo introduced Doug Bergstrom of the Environmental Quality/Recycling Task Force. <br /> • Mr. Bergstrom reported that Mr. Hamer suggested it might be worthwhile to periodically report <br /> to the Council on the Task Force's activities. The members of the Task Force are Dick <br /> Enrooth, Doug Hall, Dave Beneke, Robert Patterson, Scott Benick, Keith Pearson, Martin <br /> Lunde, Carol Barkley, Trudy Hentges, Sandy McDonald and Doug Bergstrom. The Task Force <br /> is a very dedicated group of people who are all very interested in this issue: <br /> The Task Force has been meeting since November, 1992. The first year consisted of collecting <br /> information and identifying issues that could be addressed by the Task Force. This year Martin <br /> Lunde was elected Chairman and Doug Bergstrom was elected the Vice-Chair. <br /> A recent meeting was designed to begin to prioritize and implement ideas. It is a two track <br /> process. Number one is that the Task Force has been collecting potential issues to address. The <br /> Task Force would like to design a process that will advance those issues. Secondly, the Task <br /> Force wants to allow enough flexibility to address current issues and requests so that they are <br /> not locked in on any one issue. As an example, the Council asked for.recommendations <br /> regarding the City Recycling Center. The Task Force wants to be able to have the flexibility <br /> to deal with those things as they come up. The process involves a list of specific projects and <br /> issues that could be implemented by members of the Task Force. Mr. Bergstrom distributed the <br /> list that the Task Force has been working from to date and were working from at their last <br /> meeting. The Task Force is divided into subgroups. Each group must set tangible goals that <br /> are achievable in a one year time frame or less. The subgroups are focused around different <br /> • categories. There are a number of issues that are educational in nature, there are a number that <br /> are recycling, and some address physical issues. <br />
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