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PL PACKET 06211994
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PL PACKET 06211994
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1 Planning Commission <br /> 0 2 May 17, 1994 <br /> 3 Page 7 <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Chair Gondorchin discussed parking spaces. Mr. Makowske stated that their developer, Schotzlein, <br /> 6 couldn't make this meeting, but would have more information on the proposal. Commissioner <br /> 7 Franzese stated that this was an exciting project, and would increase the City's tax base. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Commissioner Bergstrom asked about the property being on the Economic <br /> 10 Development/Redevelopment list. Interim City Manager Hamer stated that the property was not on <br /> 11 the Top Ten as an immediate priority. Commissioner Horst stated that this was an exciting proposal <br /> 12 but the Commission needs more information. He asked Hamer if the new drive would be a City <br /> 13 street. Mr. Hamer said it would be a private drive. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Faust counted twenty-three units and twelve parking spaces, which he doesn't feel is going to be <br /> 16 enough as required by ordinance. Also at issue is the two-car garages because the City is currently <br /> 17 against single-car garages in new developments. Mr. Makowske said they had planned on enclosed <br /> 18 garages for one car and parking. Faust stated a whole new ordinance was created to allow for older <br /> 19 houses with single garages. Mr. Makowske said he will pass these concerns on to the developer. <br /> 20 who will be at the next meeting. Chair Gondorchin indicated the unresolved issues are: visitor <br /> 21 parking, double garages, reduction in density to avoid variances and increasing the green space, as <br /> 22 well'as more detailed plans. Commissioner Faust suggested that the owners look at the Harsted <br /> 23 development, which was one the Commission found acceptable. The Fire Chief should drive <br /> 2 4 through the area checking for ingress and egress of the property. Chair Gondorchin noted the green <br /> 25 space in the drawing is just at the circumference of the property. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Commissioner Franzese asked Mr. Makowske about the target dates and population of the project. <br /> 28 Mr. Makowske said that originally they designed condominiums in front, but the owners didn't like <br /> 29 that so it was redone quickly last week. Commissioner Bergstrom asked their roles as property <br /> 30 owners. Mr. Makowske stated that they had sold the property and had to repossess it: Over the <br /> 31 twelve years the other owners had it the property became run down. Mr. Makowske and his brother <br /> 32 Don live behind the property and hope to turn it into something nice. Chair Gondorchin asked about <br /> 33 the Makowske's alternatives if the zoning is not changed. Mr. Makowske indicated the houses are <br /> 34 obviously old,the six-plex was built in 1952,the farmhouse in the 1800's. Chair Gondorchin asked <br /> 35 about selling the lots as is and Mr. Makowske responded that the land is worth more than the <br /> 36 buildings. Commissioner Horst asked if all of the rentals were rented now. Mr. Makowske stated <br /> 37 they are. Horst asked what would happen to the current rental occupants if the development <br /> 38 proceeds. Mr. Makowske stated the renters would be given a thirty-day notice and possibly receive <br /> 39 some rent support. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Gondorchin asked Interim City Manager Hamer if R2 zoning can have multiple family with fewer <br /> 42 homes. The Interim City Manager stated yes, that that was the zoning for double bungalow type <br /> 43 homes, which results in fewer units. Gondorchin commented that these were premium lots. <br /> 4 Commissioner Faust stated that lot 20 could be an executive style on the point. He pointed out that <br /> 45 2930 Old Highway 8 is currently R1, and the other four lots are zoned R2. <br />
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