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PL PACKET 11211995
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PL PACKET 11211995
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STAFF REPORT <br /> DATE: November 21, 1995 <br /> TO: Planning Commission Members <br /> FROM: Kim Moore-Sykes, Management Assistant . <br /> ITEM: Petition for a Wall Sign Variance -=Wirth Companies for <br /> the Apache Medical Building <br /> BACKGROUND: <br /> The Wirth Companies, the management company for the Apache Medical building, have, <br /> submitted a petition for a sign variance for the Apache Medical building, basing their <br /> request on a lack of adequate exterior commercial signage for business tenants. They are <br /> asking to be allowed to place two additional commercial signs on the exterior south wall. <br /> The Wirth Companies indicated in their application that while some of the established <br /> businesses are recognized and have historically been associated with the "Apache" sign to <br /> denote their location, many of the newer businesses that are now leasing in the building do <br /> not have that advantage. Because they are not as well known in this community, their <br /> contention is that the lack of an exterior sign is creating a hardship in that they are not <br /> able to provide their services. In an attempt to establish themselves in this community, <br /> they will need the additional signage. <br /> The Wirth Companies also contend that the "Apache" lettering on the white marble in the <br /> center of the building should not be considered in the calculation of the square footage for <br /> signage. Mr. Schmitt explains that the lettering can be removed, but not the white marble <br /> as it is an integral part of the building. It cannot be feasibly removed without damaging <br /> the building. <br /> ANALYSIS: <br /> In reviewing the sign ordinance, it appears that there is an unclear definition of what was <br /> meant by "commercial establishment" with regards to this situation. Chapter 14, (1400.12, <br /> Subd. 2 (1)) states that there will be one identification sign per right-of-way frontage per <br /> commercial establishment. The question before Staff is, whether or not the Apache <br /> Medical Building is considered one commercial establishment or are the individual service <br /> businesses located within the Apache Medical Building each a commercial establishment? <br /> If the Planning Commission establishes that each business located in the Apache Medical <br /> Building is an individual service establishment, then the next question is the number of <br /> wall signs allowable for the Apache Medical Building. The City's sign ordinance states that <br /> the total area of all wall signs affixed to a wall may not exceed 15% of the total area of that <br /> wall. Based on the information provided by the Wirth Companies, the total area of the <br /> wall is 9,090 square feet; the total of the proposed sign area, including the Apache sign, is <br />
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