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n early 1997,the Minnesota Office of Environmental Please tear off and mail this meeting registration card: <br /> _ <br /> Assistance(OEA)created the Minnesota Sustainable <br /> Communities Network(MnSCN). The goal of MnSCN is to e <br /> encourage networking,information exchange,and better <br /> access to assistance on sustainability: meeting our needs Wednesday,June 4 <br /> today while ensuring that future generations can continue to Ruttger's Sugar Lake Lodge,Cohasset 8:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. Yes,sign me up for the following MnSCN regional meeting: <br /> meet their own needs. 1000 Otis Lane,Cohasset,MN June 4, Cohasset June 5,Little Falls <br /> Over 1,000 members have joined this network of individuals,non- 10 miles north of Hill City on Hwy.169,west on County Rd.17,go 5 miles <br /> profit organizations,businesses,local governments,educational to the 2nd junction of 449 and take a left,1 mile to Ruttger's(on the right). June 10,St.Paul June 13,Lanesboro <br /> institutions,and other organizations in Minnesota(and bordering Co-Sponsor: Northern Minnesota Citizens'League June 18,Blaine June 19,Marshall <br /> areas)who are interested in moving their local communities Thursday,June 5 <br /> toward sustainability. Member interests and experiences repre- Anderson's Pine Edge Inn,Little Falls 8:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. <br /> sent a wide range of sustainability-related issues,including waste 3081st.St.SE,Little Falls,MN Name <br /> prevention and management,energy,manufacturing,agriculture, Hwy. 10 to Little Falls,take the city exit,on Little Falls' main street. <br /> retail,urban planning,economic development,legislative policy, Co-Sponsor: Central Minnesota Initiative Fund Affiliation(if any) <br /> housing,forestry,education,land use,and.transportation. <br /> During June 1997,OEA will host a series of six half-day regional Tuesday,June 10Humanities Education Center,St.Paul 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Address <br /> meetings for MnSCN members and others interested in 987 East Ivy Ave.,St.Paul,MN <br /> sustainability. The meetings,which are free of charge and include a 35E north of downtown St.Paul to Maryland Ave.exit,east on City <br /> luncheon,will offer an opportunity to: Maryland 2 miles to Earl St.,turn left,go 4 blocks to East Ivy Ave.and <br /> Connect and share information with others on turn left,the Humanities Center is on the right. State ZIP <br /> sustainability topics Co-Sponsor: St.Paul Neighborhood Energy Consortium <br /> Discuss local sustainability issues with others in the region Friday,June 13 Phone(optional) <br /> Develop ideas and plans for future local initiatives on Forest Resource Center,Lanesboro 8:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. <br /> sustainability 1991 Brightsdale Rd.,Route 156A,Lanesboro,MN E-mail address <br /> Hwy.52 south to Fountain,MN,east on County Rd.8 about 7 miles to <br /> Provide input for future activities of MnSCN County Rd.21,north about 1 mile to the Center. Fax <br /> Co-Sponsor:Southeast Minnesota Sustainable Work Group <br /> ' ' ' • ' ' ' Wednesday,June 18 Registrant names,addresses,and phone numbers will be <br /> Aveda Corporation,Blaine 8:30 a.m.- 1:00 p.m. available for each regional meeting. - <br /> 8:30 a.m. Coffee, informal networking 4000 Pheasant Ridge Dr.,Minneapolis,MN <br /> Feel free to bring hand-outs to share with other 35W to Lexington Ave.(exit 1133),north to first set of stoplights,west 2 <br /> participants. blocks to Aveda. <br /> Mail this reply card by Friday,May 23, or fax or e-mail your <br /> 9:00 Welcome and introductions Co-Sponsor.- Aveda Corporation registration information to Sally Pinski,612-215-0246(fax); <br /> 9:15 Reflections on building sustainable communities <br /> Includes presentation from area speaker(s) Thursday,June 19 <br /> Southwest State University,Marshall 8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Late registrations may be accepted if space permits. <br /> 10:00 Small group discussions on sustainability topics 1501 State St.,Marshall,MN Please contact Sally Pinski if you need to cancel or change <br /> 11:15 Introduction of sustainability issue group themes Located just off Hwy.23,enter campus and make immediate right— your registration. <br /> last building on the left–Individualized Learning Building,Rm.214. <br /> 11:45 Small group discussions on local sustainability Co-Sponsor: Southwest Experiment Station at Lamberton and the <br /> initiatives and action plans Call Paul Moss,Philipp Muessig or Diane <br /> Minnesota Extension Service Wanner at 612-296-3417 or 800-657-3843 for additional <br /> 12:30 p.m. Buffet/box lunch,informal networking information. Please share this flyer with others who might also <br /> 1:00 3:00 Optional:additional networking and meeting time be interested in participating in these regional meetings. <br />