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Parks Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> January 11, 1999 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 enclosing the area handles changes in elevation as well,with benches and clusters of benches <br /> 2 within and around the existing trees. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Kost stated, in addition to the sidewalk, an ornamental fence would provide closure to the play <br /> 5 area along 33rd Avenue. He added a half-court basketball court would be located near the <br /> 6 bituminous trail,which is different from the Commission's original plans which required a full <br /> 7 basketball court for which there are significant space constraints. He added this construction can <br /> 8 be completed with the loss of only 1 tree. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Roadfeldt asked whether the playground's configuration could be moved. Kost stated there are <br /> I i many grade changes in that area, but there is a certain amount of flexibility in shape and size and <br /> 12 such a change could be accomplished. <br /> 13 <br /> 14 Wolff expressed concern at the size of the play area, stating the Commission had expected a <br /> 15 much larger site. Jensen expressed his agreement, and Jindra stated the Commission wished to <br /> 16 construct an extremely large play area. Kost stated the proposed play area, which is 50 feet at its <br /> 17 widest, could be extended another 30-40 feet south, and 20-30 feet north, but he would avoid <br /> 18 moving the area any closer to 33rd Avenue. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Jindra asked whether benches could be installed between the play area and the basketball court. <br /> 21 Kost stated the trees in that area have low branch cover,which provides a nice buffer between the <br /> 22 two areas but does allow for seating. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Wolff asked whether a gazebo was a possibility. Kost stated a gazebo could be added-adjacent to <br /> 25 the play area in the trees. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Jindra asked whether the area south of the community center could be utilized as a basketball <br /> 28 court. Kost stated he believed that space was set aside for future building expansion. Hartman <br /> 29 stated there are traffic concerns with regard to that area. Jindra stated the area would be fenced. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 Hartman asked whether the area east of the service drive could be utilized as a full basketball <br /> 32 court. Kost stated the court would be right up against the high school on school property, and <br /> 33 typically half courts are used more and 2 half courts in separate locations might be a better <br /> 34 solution. <br /> 35 <br /> 36 Jensen stated a full court could be'used for in-line skating. Andra stated such a use had been <br /> 37 discussed for the skating rink area. Kost stated the skating rink is a drainage area per the City's <br /> 38 agreement with the Watershed District, and is not usable in the summer. <br /> 39 <br /> 40 Kost asked whether the size and layout of the maintenance road could be altered. Jindra asked <br /> 41 what length would be necessary for a fence along 33rd Avenue. Kost stated a length of 240 feet <br /> 42 would be sufficient. He added the decorative elements of the fence could be duplicated in other <br /> 43 areas of the park, such as the corner by the tennis courts,to create a unified design. <br /> 44 <br />