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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> January 19, 1999 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 Gondorchin stated a matrix could be developed in which the Commission's goals for 1999 could <br /> 2 be broken down by short/medium/long term, level of effort, and necessary resources. Hanson <br /> 3 stated a list of the issues presented at tonight's meeting could be compiled, reviewed and the <br /> 4 issues prioritized at the Commission's next meeting. <br /> 5 <br /> 6 Bergstrom requested that Ms. Moore-Sykes provide a list of issues in her meeting minutes <br /> 7 divided into columns based on short/medium/long term, level of effort, and personnel/fmancial <br /> 8 resources required. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 3. Council Liaison to Planning Commission Staff Report. <br /> 11 Ms. Moore-Sykes stated Councilmember Faust had recommended a Council liaison to the <br /> 12 Planning Commission, and the idea was well-received at the Council's last meeting. She added <br /> 13 Councilmember Cavanaugh expressed his wish to see some protocol or procedures in place if the <br /> 14 liaison is initiated, and asked that the Planning Commission discuss the issue and provide some <br /> 15 guidelines for the potential arrangement. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Ms. Moore-Sykes spoke with City staff in other cities within the metropolitan area with regard to <br /> 18 their process for Council liaisons, and while these cities did not have a written policy, the. <br /> 19 Councilmembers attend Commission meetings on an annual rotating basis. She added the <br /> 20 Council requested feedback and recommendations from the Planning Commission on this issue.. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Makowske stated he was in attendance at the Council meeting at which this issue was discussed, <br /> 23 and Councilmember Faust suggested a format by which the attending Councilmember would <br /> 24 give a report on Council actions and meetings early in the Commission meeting, and leave the <br /> 25 meeting before votes and decisions took place. He added this arrangement would strengthen ties <br /> 26 between the Council and Planning Commission, and would emphasize the Commission's wish to <br /> 27 be actively involved in planning issues affecting the City. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Gondorchin agreed, stating it could be distracting to have a Councilmember stay for the entire <br /> 30 meeting. He added he would wish to receive feedback from the Council on previous Planning <br /> 3.1 Commission meetings. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Horst stated the agreement would be a positive step toward opening communication between the <br /> 34 Council and Commission, adding it is important for the Commission to stay on top of <br /> 35 discussions and decisions of the Council. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Bergstrom asked whether the Commission might gain more information from the liaison'than it <br /> 38 already receives from Ms. Moore-Sykes. Ms. Moore-Sykes felt that a direct liaison from the <br /> 39 Council would provide an invaluable perspective. <br /> 40 <br />