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• St. Anthony Village Planning Commision 2/15/99 <br /> St. Anthony Mobil station is submitting a petition for variance for the <br /> cold storage addition that will be added onto the existing service center. The <br /> addition would be located on the northwest side of the service center. <br /> The service center was granted a similar variance 2 years ago. The <br /> addition would allow us to have an inventory of items and an area to store <br /> the items that we use on a daily basis. It would also serve as an inside <br /> storage area for the equipment we use for snow removal and the sweeping <br /> of the parking lot. In addition it would provide an area for the temporary <br /> storage of old tires and engine parts that are waiting to be recycled. <br /> We are a commercially zoned property trying to conform to residential <br /> zoning regulations. As always we try to take into consideration the <br /> residential aspect of the neighborhood, and have designed the addition to <br /> meet all applicable commercial building codes. At the same time we feel we <br /> • have designed the addition with a residential look to it that will help it blend <br /> with the neighborhood. <br /> In conclusion it is our hope that the Planning Commision and the City <br /> Council find us to be a valuable part of the community, and know that our <br /> goal is to make the service center as good as it can be in serving the <br /> automotive needs of the community. At the same time we know that a <br /> good neighbor isn't necessarily one that stands out from.the rest of the <br /> neighborhood, but sometimes-it's the one that blends with the neighborhood, <br /> and that is our goal. <br /> Sincerely , <br /> James R. Bona <br /> • <br />