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Mr. Martenson and Pioneer Engineering, the surveyor, both received copies of the City's <br /> ordinance as it pertains to the single-family zoning district and subdivision of land. <br /> Prior to receiving the survey and when in discussions with city staff about the lot split, <br /> Mr. Martenson's sketches on a city plat map showed Parcel A at 9,095 square feet and <br /> Parcel B at 14,445 square feet(see attached). <br /> City staff offered to meet and discuss the subdivision request in relation to the city code <br /> with the applicant. He said he wanted to wait until after the April 16 public hearing. <br /> Staff Recommendation: <br /> Staff recommends denial of the lot subdivision because it does not meet minimum lot <br /> standards nor does it meet the setbacks required by city ordinance. By approving this lot <br /> split, the City would be approving a substandard lot (Parcel A). Mr. Martenson is aware <br /> of staffs recommendation and is looking for direction on how he might proceed in <br /> working with the City to redevelop the property. <br /> Attachments: <br /> • Application for Subdivision <br /> • Survey <br />