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H W ' E S T Q U A D f It:y 1 L_KN t T <br /> .�.. i�. 12 L <br /> tho <br /> ain <br /> OHM ler' <br /> dote <br /> ISSUE NUMBER 2 THE CITY OF ST. ANTHONY APRIL 2002 <br /> Q. What is happening with a preliminary site plan and will be appraisal of property to be acquired <br /> the Northwest Quadrant seeking public input into the plan. will need to be completed. <br /> Redevelopment? Q. Does Pratt-Ordway have Q. Will Herberger's remain in the <br /> A. On February 12, the City Council an approved plan for the community and be a part of the <br /> selected Twin Cities metro area redevelopment? new development? <br /> development team Pratt-Ordway as A. No. Although Pratt-Ordway A. It's not know at this time. <br /> the developer for the Northwest presented an initial concept, the Herberger's has been a valuable part <br /> Quadrant. Pratt-Ordway will develop development team will be working of the community for many years and <br /> office/retail and single family housing with St. Anthony officials and the City is committed to working <br /> and has designated Dominium to residents to come up with a with the developer to provide an <br /> develop the multi-family housing for preliminary site plan. That plan must opportunity for Herberger's to stay at <br /> the project. The City expects to enter meet the City's goals and the test of the site. Herberger's would likely be <br /> into a preliminary development both financial and market feasibility located in a new building. Any <br /> agreement with Pratt-Ordway in Pratt-Ordway will have an Open decision to stay or not stay would <br /> April. House on the preliminary site plan have to be made by Herberger's based <br /> Q. Why did the City Council later this year to get public feedback. on its needs and the costs associated <br /> select Pratt-Ordway? Q. My business is in the with being a part of the new <br /> A. The City Council was impressed redevelopment area. When will development. <br /> with the high quality construction, I be contacted by the developer? Q. Can my business remain and <br /> quality of site design, and become a part of the new <br /> q Y g A. Pratt-Ordway will be contacting developwent? <br /> sustainability of Pratt-Ordway individual businesses in the <br /> developments. The City Council had next month to make an initial A. Like Herberger's, other businesses <br /> the opportunity to view metro area introduction. Businesses are also able interested in staying and becoming a <br /> developments of the three competing to contact Pratt-Ordway via e-mail part of the new development will <br /> developers during a bus tour in at need to work directly with the <br /> February. developer to determine the potential <br /> Q. I understand that property <br /> Q. What happens during the appraisals are taking place in the and the costs associated with <br /> preliminary development phase? redevelopment area. What is that remaining. <br /> A. During the preliminary all about? Q. Can you tell me when property <br /> development agreement phase, the A. In order to determine acquisition will occur. <br /> development team and City will qualifications for a tax increment A. An exact schedule is not known at <br /> identify those issues which need to district, property owners in the this time. It likely the City and the <br /> be addressed in the final development redevelopment area may be contacted development team will enter into a <br /> agreement phase and develop the by an appraiser hired by the City. The final development agreement late in <br /> framework for addressing them. appraiser will do a quick visual 2002. Acquisition of land is unlikely <br /> Those issues typically include inspection of the outside of business to occur until the final development <br /> financing, necessary land use and residential properties in the agreement phase of the project. <br /> approvals, process, schedule and redevelopment area. This appraisal is However, it is not yet known whether <br /> timing. During the preliminary separate from any property acquisition will begin late in 2002 or <br /> development agreement phase the acquisition process, which occurs in 2003. <br /> development team will also work on later. At that time, a more detailed <br />