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PL PACKET 05212002
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PL PACKET 05212002
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 16, 2002 <br /> Page 2 <br /> 1 lot at 3645 Chelmsford Road, is requesting a lot split. She explained that Mr. Martenson <br /> 2 contacted city staff several months ago about the feasibility of splitting the single-family <br /> 3 residential property at 3645 Chelmsford. Because of the lack of details and sufficient <br /> 4 information, staff recommended he get a survey completed. Staff also noted to Mr. <br /> 5 Martenson that he needed to be the property owner when bringing the subdivision request <br /> 6 forward. Since that time, the survey has been completed and Mr. Martenson has closed <br /> 7 on the property. Staff has requested proof of ownership paperwork but has not yet <br /> 8 received the documentation, like.a purchase agreement or deed. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Henry reviewed the survey submitted by Mr. Martenson that depicts two parcels: A and <br /> 11 B. Parcel A is drawn to be a substandard lot of 6,420 square feet. Once the lot is split as <br /> 12 proposed, Parcel A would become the interior lot. According to city code, interior lots <br /> 13 are to be a minimum of 9,000 square feet or less than 75 feet in width at the building <br /> 14 setback line. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 Henry noted that Parcel B is drawn to be 17,120 square feet, which needs to be a <br /> 17 minimum of 11,000 square feet, or less than 90 square feet in width at the building <br /> 18 setback line, to meet city code requirements; this drawn parcel far exceeds that standard. <br /> 19 Parcel B's setbacks are not written to City code in relation to the proposed building <br /> 20 shown on the survey. The minimum rear yard must have a depth equal to the greater of <br /> 21 20% of the depth of the entire lot or 25 feet; the survey shows 13 feet. The minimum <br /> 22 front yard must have a depth equal to the greater of 30 feet or a distance equal to the <br /> 23 average of the front yard depths of the two adjacent lots; the survey shows 26 feet. <br /> 24 Henry noted that Parcel A does not meet some of City code minimum standards; <br /> 25 however, this is the parcel with the existing home and detached garage. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Henry indicated the total square footage of the subject property is 23,540 (107 X 220) <br /> 28 square feet. Although this is enough square footage to technically split the property into <br /> 29 two, it is not all-usable square footage-due to the easements on the property. Mr. <br /> 30 Martenson did not know of the easements until after he acquired the property and the <br /> 31 survey was completed. Prior to the April 16 Planning Commission meeting, he plans to <br /> 32 check with Northern States Power on the details about the 75 foot overhead lines <br /> 33 easement. She advised that Mr. Martenson and Pioneer Engineering, the surveyor, both <br /> 34 received copies of the City's ordinance as it pertains to the single-family zoning district <br /> 35 and subdivision of land. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Henry explained that prior to receiving the survey and when in discussions with City staff <br /> 38 about the lot split, Mr. Martenson's sketches on a City plat map showed Parcel A at <br /> 39 9,095 square feet and Parcel B at 14,445 square feet. City staff offered to meet and <br /> �0 discuss the subdivision request in relation to the city code with the applicant. He said he <br /> 11 wanted to wait until after the April 16 public hearing. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Henry stated staff recommends denial of the lot subdivision because it does not meet <br /> 14 minimum lot standards nor does it meet the setbacks required by city ordinance. By <br /> 15 approving this lot split, the City would be approving a substandard lot (Parcel A). She <br /> 16 indicated Mr. Martenson is aware of staff's recommendation and is looking for direction <br /> 17 on how he might proceed in working with the City to redevelop the property. <br /> ri <br />
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