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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> April 16, 2002 <br /> Page 4 <br /> Commission would seek further input from this applicant in the future. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Motion carried unanimously <br /> 5 8.2 Apache Animal Medicine. P A.250137"Avenue NE: sign variance request for one <br /> 6 additional ground sign <br /> 7 Chair Melsha opened the public hearing at 7:27 p.m. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Susan Henry stated that Apache Animal Medicine, P.A., owner of the commercially <br /> 10 zoned property at 2501 37`' Avenue Northeast, is requesting a sign variance for an <br /> 1 1 additional ground sign. She noted that Apache Animal Medicine currently has one <br /> 12 ground sign that was installed earlier this year. They are asking for another ground sign <br /> 13 for identification purposes because of two distinct businesses located in one building. <br /> 14 This request requires a variance because City code states that one principal structure of a <br /> 15 parcel of land is allowed one ground sign, regardless of the number of teriants in the <br /> 16 building. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Henry explained that Apache Animal Medicine states an additional ground sign <br /> 19 gr gn would <br /> relieve an undue hardship and correct extraordinary circumstances. In particular, the <br /> 20 applicant points to preexisting setbacks and the railroad, forcing two entrances. Also the <br /> 21 applicant mentions the need to maintain separation between healthy pets (Apache <br /> 22 Grooming and Boarding) and potentially ill pets (Apache Animal Hospital) with two <br /> 23 entrances. Finally, the applicant states they want to be able to clearly tell clients where <br /> 24 the entrances are with safety concerns regarding traffic on 37`h Avenue. <br /> 25 <br /> 26 Henry advised that according to City code, ground signs must be affixed to the ground by <br /> 27 means of a base with no visibility between the bottom of the sign and the base on which <br /> 28 it is attached, and landscaped to enhance the appearance of the signage. The sign was <br /> 29 originally open, as drawn on the plans, and city staff asked the applicant to fill in the gap, <br /> 30 as code requires. Since that time the applicant has taken care of this. <br /> 31 <br /> 32 Henry recommended approval of the variance request/additional ground sign on the <br /> 33 contingency that the current sign on the property be brought up to city code by filling in <br /> 34 the gap between the bottom of the sign and the base to which it is attached with agreed <br /> 35 upon materials. The second ground sign approved with this variance should be built <br /> 36 identically to the first sign. In addition, the applicant must meet all other code <br /> 37 requirements as it relates to ground signs. <br /> 38 <br /> W Ray Ogrin, representative for Apache Animal Medicine, thanked Ms. Henry for her <br /> 10 presentation. He noted they are requesting these signs to present a clear separation <br /> 11 between the healthy and sick animals to this site. Mr. Ogrin stated this would help <br /> 12 resolve traffic issues along 37`h Avenue as well. <br /> 3 <br /> •4 Commissioner Steeves asked how much sign area was allowed for a building this size. <br /> •5 Henry stated up to 64 square feet was allowed on this site and noted they were requesting <br /> .6 a 48 square foot sign as a part of the per ground additional sign/variance. <br /> ,7 <br />