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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> January 27, 2004 <br /> Page 7 <br /> 1 State to resolve any differences and added an update would be given at the March <br /> 2 meeting. <br /> 3 a The Assistant gave birth to a baby boy and would be back April 12, 2004. <br /> 4 G The City Clerk's last day is May 14, 2004. <br /> 5 o Judy Monson,the front office receptionist, would be retiring at the end of the year. <br /> 6 Todd Hubmer and Public Works Director Hartman would be receiving an award from the <br /> 7 State of Minnesota Council of Engineers Association on Friday for the City's flood <br /> 8 mitigation work of the past six years. He explained the City was receiving the Grand <br /> 9 Award, which was the highest award given in the State of Minnesota and made the City <br /> 10 eligible for national award nominations. He stated it was a"good feather in the cap"for <br /> 11 this Council and task force. He added Mr. Hubmer was expected to bring the award to <br /> 12 the February 10, 2004,meeting. <br /> 13 The future agendas would be fairly hectic; therefore,he asked that Councilmembers <br /> 14 advise him of any planned vacations. He noted many housekeeping items would be on <br /> 15 the future agendas and several issues regarding Apache Plaza would be coming before <br /> 16 Council in the next 90 days, along with the Fannie Mae loan, the asbestos abatement <br /> 17 grant and the need for confirmation that the City was included in the Senate bill approved <br /> 18 the past Friday, which would help pay for the 39h Avenue improvement. <br /> 19 <br /> 20 Councilmember Horst stated he had no report. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Councilmember Stille indicated he was a guest at the Kiwanis meeting on January 14, 2004. He <br /> 23 noted the following evening he was part of a goal-setting session for the St. Anthony/New <br /> 24 Brighton Family Services Collaborative. He explained the Collaborative was a group of people <br /> 25 comprised of teachers, School Board members,police,parents, City Council, etc.,who were <br /> 26 working together to provide services and programs for young people. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Councilmember Stille stated he attended the National Homebuilders Association meeting the <br /> 29 previous week and participated in a seminar called`Building Community/Creating Value." He <br /> 30 explained the seminar reviewed the newest plats and designs,noting the progress that had been <br /> 31 made in the last 50 to 60 years. He stated he was reminded of what was happening at Apache <br /> 32 Plaza, where the City had the benefit of developers who had gained knowledge through their past <br /> 3.3 efforts of"trying things that did and did not work." He added there would be growing pains <br /> 34 involved and encouraged residents not to get lost in the small picture. He reminded residents the <br /> 35 large picture was about creating value and the building of community. <br /> 36. <br /> 37 Councilmember Thuesen stated it was good to as part of the Council <br /> have Councilmember Stille , <br /> 38 as Councilmember Stille's expertise would be appreciated as the City moved forward with <br /> 39 Apache Plaza. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Councilmember Thuesen indicated he wished to give his personal congratulations to the two <br /> 42 firefighters previously commended. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Councilmember Faust noted lives sometimes got lost in the discussion and the firefighters had <br /> 45 saved someone's life. <br /> .46 <br />