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PL PACKET 10192004
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PL PACKET 10192004
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PL PACKET 10192004
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes "Draft" <br /> September 21, 2004 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 approval. She explained that once this is approved they can then submit the final plat and <br /> 2 reviewed the process with the Commission. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Commissioner Tillman asked for clarification on the specific reasons for this request. Mr. Stoick <br /> 5 stated that there are two reasons. He explained that the primary reason is that he would like to <br /> 6 preserve the green space located at the end of the cul-de-sac and secondly, if they decide to <br /> 7 expand they would have the opportunity to go out from the back. He stated that he believes he <br /> 8 would fall into the requirements of the City and would have more green space available. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 8.2 Sunset Memorial Park, 2250 St. Anthony Boulevard,Rezoning and Text Amendment <br /> 11 Request to build new Funeral Home. <br /> 12 <br /> 13 Matthew Duggan, Mekus Studios, stated that they were asked by Alderwoods Group to research <br /> 14 the possibilities of building a funeral home located at Sunset Memorial Park. He provided the <br /> 15 Commission with a brief history stating that based on conversations with City Staff it was <br /> 16 determined that the current zoning is R1 and does not allow cemeteries. He provided the <br /> 17 Commission with an overview of the zoning map stating that they are requesting a rezoning to <br /> 18 ROS stating that they want to correct the current zoning of the properties. He stated that they <br /> 19 would also request a text amendment to the ROS to allow funeral homes as a permitted use. He <br /> 20 explained that a funeral home is actually an extension of the services they currently provide and <br /> 21 reviewed the services with the Commission. He stated that what they are trying to do is ensure <br /> 22 that the funeral home is a permitted use within the proposed ROS. <br /> 23 <br /> 24 Mr. Duggan provided the Commission with an overview of the proposed site plan with the <br /> 25 Commission. He noted that the current building is not acceptable or energy efficient adding that <br /> 26 it does not work sizewize for some of the expanding functions that are being proposed. He stated <br /> 27 that they are combining the offices in addition to funeral facilities. He stated that the parking for <br /> 28 the cemetery administration and visitors area would be at the entrance of the cemetery and <br /> 29 reviewed with the Commission. He stated that they would create 50 permanent parking spots <br /> 30 and would also provide an overflow parking area that would allow an additional 50 vehicles. He <br /> 31 stated that the area is quite developed noting that the most logical area for parking would be <br /> 32 along the main boulevard and reviewed the access points with the Commission. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Mr. Duggan provided the Commission with an overview of the floor plan layout and exterior of <br /> 35 the proposed building. He stated that they are considering a cast limestone product for the <br /> 36 exterior of the building and would tie in with the existing buildings. Mr. Duggan reviewed the <br /> 37 implementation schedule with the Commission. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Commissioner Jensen acknowledged that R1 zoning does sound unusual and asked what the <br /> 40 process is that they would go through to rezone from an R1 to ROS. Chair Stromgren explained <br /> 41 that the schedule is included in the packet and outlined by Staff. Ms. Hall explained that they <br /> 42 have submitted the forms and reviewed the process with the Commission. She stated that a <br /> 43 public hearing would be held next month and then to Council for review and approval. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Commissioner Young stated that she has questions regarding the terminology of building types <br />
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