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May 4, 2015 CC Worksession <br />Page 2 <br />Currently, there have been minor issues with the keeping of bees or chickens, and several cities have <br />anticipated problems and adopted additional regulations for such animals. Staff is looking for feedback <br />on Council as to the level of need for a regulating ordinance for chickens and /or bees. <br />91.56 KEEPING OF CERTAIN ANIMA LS. <br />No person may keep swine, cattle, horses, goats, or more than 2 dogs or 3 dogs <br />allowed under § 91.01 through 91.05 or fowl, within the city nearer than 500 feet <br />to any human habitation or platted land, without approval of the City Council. <br />The City Council may, before approving or denying any request for approval, <br />request a report from the Health Officer concerning the effect on public health. <br />(1993 Code, § 1210.02) Penalty, see § 10.99 <br />RECOMMENDED ACTION <br />Provide guidance on work plan items from Planning Commission work plan. <br />