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observations services with WSB. WSB will invoice the City of Saint Anthony directly for this <br />work. <br />b. Each party will pay for the costs of the construction observation of the sewer <br />and water improvements of that City. Columbia Heights will provide an in -house construction <br />observer for sewer and water improvements within Columbia Heights <br />4. Survey Costs <br />a. Each party will pay 50% of all costs of the topographic survey and <br />construction survey /staking of the street and utility improvements. Saint Anthony will contract for <br />these survey services with WSB. WSB will invoice the City of Saint Anthony directly for this <br />work. <br />5. Testing Costs <br />a. Each party will pay 50% of all costs of the material testing associated with <br />the street and utility improvements. Saint Anthony will contract for these testing services with <br />WSB. WSB will invoice the City of Saint Anthony directly for this work. Saint Anthony will <br />contract for these testing services with WSB. WSB will invoice the City of Saint Anthony directly <br />for this work. <br />6. Street and Storm Sewer bUrovements <br />a. Construction Cost Allocation: Each party will pay 50% of all costs of the <br />construction of the street and storm sewer improvements. <br />7. Sidewalk hnprovements <br />a. Construction Cost Allocation: All costs of the construction of the sidewalk <br />improvements shall be assigned to Columbia Heights and Saint Anthony based on the actual <br />amount of sidewalk and/or trail constructed for each city. <br />8. Sewer and Water Utility Improvements <br />a. Construction Cost Allocation: Each party will pay for the costs of all sewer <br />and water utility improvements based on the actual amount of sewer and water utilities constructed <br />for each city. <br />9. Upon execution of this Agreement, Saint Anthony shall invoice Columbia Heights <br />for its percentage of all costs incurred prior to contract award, and Columbia Heights will pay the <br />invoice within thirty days of receipt. <br />10. After an award by the City of Saint Anthony to the successful bidder on the Project, <br />the City of Saint Anthony shall invoice the City of Columbia Heights for ninety five (95) percent of <br />the estimated City of Columbia Heights share in the contract construction and engineering costs for <br />the Project. Payments shall be made to the City of Saint Anthony, in the name of the City of Saint <br />Anthony, by the City of Columbia Heights for the full amount due stated on the invoices within <br />thirty (30) days of the invoice date. Said estimated City of Columbia Heights share shall be based <br />on actual contract unit prices applied to the estimated quantities shown in the plans. <br />11. In the event the City of Saint Anthony Engineer or the City of Saint Anthony's staff <br />determines the need to amend the construction contract with a supplemental agreement or change <br />