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B. Resolution 16-026 a Resolution Adopting and Confirming Assessments for the 2016 1 <br />Street and Utility Improvements, Todd Hubmer, City Engineer 2 <br /> 3 <br />City Engineer Hubmer reviewed the assessments that have been calculated in accordance with 4 <br />the City’s street assessment policy for the 2016 Street and Utility Improvement Project. This 5 <br />resolution declares the amount to be assessed at $303,463.99 and outlines the assessment process 6 <br />in accordance with Minnesota Statutes Chapter 429. 7 <br /> 8 <br />Motion by Councilmember Stille, seconded by Councilmember Jenson, to approve Resolution 9 <br />16-026 a Resolution Adopting and Confirming Assessments for the 2016 Street and Utility 10 <br />Improvements. 11 <br /> 12 <br />Motion carried 5-0 13 <br /> 14 <br />V. REPORTS FROM COMMISSION AND STAFF 15 <br /> 16 <br />A. Resolution 16-027 a resolution accepting Findings from the Study for the Purpose of 17 <br />Considering Amendments to the City Zoning Code Regarding the Regulation of Medical 18 <br />Cannabis Manufacturers and Cannabis Facilities, Bob Foster, Planning Commissioner 19 <br /> 20 <br /> Planning Commissioner Bob Foster reviewed the legalization of medical cannabis by the State of 21 <br />Minnesota, and the City of St. Anthony Village moratorium enacted on February 24, 2015 22 <br />prohibiting medical cannabis manufacturers and cannabis facilities within the city. The interim 23 <br />ordinance directed the city to conduct a detailed study investigating the necessity of a Zoning 24 <br />Code update and any prerequisites or considerations prior to an amendment of the City Code 25 <br />regulating medical cannabis manufacturers and facilities. Mr. Foster reviewed the power point 26 <br />presentation summarizing the study. 27 <br /> 28 <br /> The City’s completed study includes a review of the Minnesota state statute that prompted this 29 <br />investigation as well as an overview of Federal cannabis law. Following an analysis of medical 30 <br />cannabis within the context of existing City Zoning Code and the finding that significant land 31 <br />uses within St. Anthony would be sensitive to medical cannabis manufacturing or dispensary as 32 <br />well as the potential for emergent public safety concerns, the study recommends prohibiting all 33 <br />cannabis facilities in the City. The full text of the study was provided for Council review. 34 <br /> 35 <br /> The proposed resolution would implement the recommendation of this study. Staff recommends 36 <br />approval of the resolution amending Sections 152.008 and 152.188 of City Code to prohibit 37 <br />medical cannabis facilities in all City districts. The Planning Commission held a public hearing 38 <br />on February 22, 2016, no one appeared to address the Commission, and forwarded the resolution 39 <br />to City Council with no recommendation. Mr. Foster stated the Planning Commission was not 40 <br />able to reach a consensus on the three potential actions proposed by staff. The State of Minnesota 41 <br />has approved this use and also limited the number of facilities in the State. The number of 42 <br />facilities are already located in other communities. Another concern was that this is a legal use 43 <br />in the State of Minnesota and if the City of St. Anthony were to have a general prohibition 44 <br />against the use it would need legal justification. The report stated that a blanket prohibition has 45 <br />not been done in other cities. A buffer area has been implemented to include schools, day cares, 46 <br />etc. The Planning Commission felt it may be better for the City of St. Anthony to create a buffer, 47 <br />which would provide a very limited area a facility could be placed. 48 <br />3