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Voting on the motion: <br /> Aye: Sauer, Stauffer, Miedtke and Sundland <br /> Nay: Haik <br /> Motion carried. <br /> The Administrative Assistant then discussed his July 5th memo regarding <br /> the eligibility requirements for tennis courts construction under the <br /> Community Development Block Grant program. Councilman Stauffer said <br /> that if another source of .funding for the tennis courts could be found <br /> she felt there could be better uses for the CD funds but she realized <br /> the City had committed itself to building the two additional tennis <br /> courts. Such other possible sources were discussed and the Manager <br /> advised the Council that there might also be funding needed for moving <br /> the Fire Department to the new City Hall location if Hennepin County <br /> should decide to use the old facilities for a library. <br /> Mr. and Mrs. Leo Lorbeski, 3321 Croft Drive, were present and Mr. Lor- <br /> beski spoke of his displeasure because of the Council 's approval of a <br /> variance which allows his neighbor, James Koski to make a garage ad- <br /> dition to his home. He said that the addition would protrude 5Z feet <br /> rather than 3z feet in front of his home and he presented a 1976 survey <br /> which showed a greater front yard setback than an earlier survey done <br /> in 1964, which shows a 33 foot setback on the Koski property. It was <br /> • pointed out that even with a 33 foot setback, the proposed addition <br /> would be in conformance with the zoning ordinance. Mr. Lorbeski objected <br /> to what he considered to be inaccuracies in statements attributed to <br /> Mr. Cowan of the Planning Board in the Board's June 21st minutes and <br /> said he was further displeased by the fence the Koski 's had erected <br /> between their properties as well as the sidewalk he feared they may con- <br /> struct in that same location. These he felt would increase his dif- <br /> ficulties in getting his car into his garage at the back of his property <br /> during the winter. <br /> Mr. Fornell reported he had made many unsuccessful attempts to mediate <br /> the neighbors ' differences and said Mrs . Koski had said the fence had <br /> been erected as a temporary measure to assure that the garage construc- <br /> tion activities did not extend to the Lorbeski property. <br /> The Mayor wanted the Council to decide whether they might want to re- <br /> consider their decision regarding the building permit if they felt that <br /> decision might have been based on inaccurate information. <br /> Mr. Fornell said both surveys of the Koski property were furnished to <br /> the Board and Council. <br /> Councilman Sundland said he felt that, since there seemed to be no <br /> question regarding the sideyard distances being accurately presented in <br /> both surveys, the fact that there were differences in frontyard setbacks <br /> • was really not relevant since the addition conformed to City regulations <br /> (6) <br />