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CC MINUTES 10232001
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 10232001
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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> October 23, 2001 <br /> Page 2 <br /> Ms. Schober referred to a petition that was signed by one hundred and seventy-five <br /> 2 students in the Middle School that requested that the skating return to both parks. <br /> 3 Ms. Schober continued with a background on the rinks and various situations with the <br /> 4 parks. She continued that promises were made last February to re-level the park, provide <br /> 5 a warming house, and make skating good for this winter. She indicated that the Parks <br /> 6 Commission recently had to make a decision to take out another season of one of the <br /> 7 sports; hockey was the chosen sport to eliminate this year. <br /> 8 Ms. Schober stated that she wanted it in the minutes that the City Council wants hockey <br /> 9 at all three parks, so that it does not become a debate in the future. <br /> 10 Ms. Schober stated that they needed the skating for the winter because it is the only <br /> 11 recreational outdoor activity for the City of St. Anthony. She added that traveling the <br /> 12 distance to another park takes away the independence that children have to go to the park <br /> 13 and play with their neighborhood friends. <br /> 14 Ms. Schober concluded that the issue at hand was that if the City could offer all of the <br /> 15 sports than they should. She added that the City desires skating at all three parks. <br /> 16 Councilmember Sparks thanked Ms. Schober for her persistence in the issue. She added <br /> that she wanted to go on record that the City Council supports skating in the recreational <br /> parks, and that they will offer skating at all three parks in the future. <br /> 19 Councilmember Thuesen stated he was in support of them to offer skating at this time, <br /> 20 but said he could not promise that it would never be taken away due to financial issues. <br /> 21 Mayor Pro Tem Horst stated that it was in the plan to have skating and hockey at Central <br /> 22 and Silver Point Parks. He added that she could feel comfortable that this Council does <br /> 23 support youth hockey. <br /> 24 Councilmember Thuesen asked if Todd Hubmer, WSB, could come forward and address <br /> 25 the issue from an engineering perspective. <br /> 26 Hubmer indicated that last year was the first year that the park was back in full use. He <br /> 27 stated that they discovered that the slopes out near the ice at Silver Point Park made for <br /> 28 poor ice conditions. He added that they wanted to wait until the summer sports were <br /> 29 over before they began correcting the problem. <br /> 30 Hubmer reviewed the areas that would be corrected and stated that next spring will, <br /> 31 hopefully, help the grass growth and make for better conditions for the ice, as well as the <br /> 32 other sports. <br /> Councilmember Thuesen asked why it was not done correctly the first time. Hubmer <br /> stated that there were a number of things that happened the first time,the mis-grading of <br /> 35 the slopes being the main problem. <br />
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