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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: April 19, 1996 <br /> TO: Mike Morrison, City Manager <br /> FROM: Roger Larson, Finance Director <br /> ITEM: UNAPPROPRIATED FUND BALANCES <br /> During the 1989 Special Session, the 1990 and 1991 regular sessions, many legislators focused <br /> attention on cities' fund balances. Discussions centered on what some legislators call <br /> "excessive" reserves. This trend continues in 1996 and in light of the consistent attention to <br /> these dollars, it becomes essential for St. Anthony to designate or earmark these funds prior to <br /> completing its annual State Auditors Report. <br /> • Like St. Anthony, many Cities have developed a policy to designate Unappropriated Fund <br /> Balances. These reserves come from fiscal years where revenues exceeded expenditures and have <br /> a significant impact on the operation of St. Anthony. To assist local governments, the League <br /> of Minnesota Cities developed a task force to formulate recommendations how cities should <br /> designate the use of these funds. Their suggestions are as follows: <br /> 1) Cities designated part or all of their undesignated reserve fund balances prior to <br /> submitting its annual Financial Profile to the State Auditors Office. <br /> 2) Cities should plan carefully in the designation of these funds and indicate to their auditors <br /> they would like these designations included in their annual Financial Statements. <br /> 3) Designations may be established to indicate tentative plans for financial resource <br /> utilization in a future period. Such designations reflect managerial plans or intent, <br /> however, they are not permanent and Council may choose to re-direct or redesignate <br /> these funds at any time. <br /> 4) Cities analyze its cash flow needs for the purpose of designating an adequate amount of <br /> cash in the General Fund for Working Capital. Since cities receive their revenues twice <br /> a year, a significant amount of cash on hand is required to draw from when there is no <br /> revenue coming into a City. It is recommended 25% to 35% of the general fund budget <br /> be held in reserves. This prevents short term borrowing of which expenses for interest <br /> • can be significant and have a negative impact on the current years operating budget. <br />