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rvi TAX INCREMENT FINA11 CL_ <br /> • • The State Auditor should work with cities and development <br /> authorities to ensure that all ta:increment financing users are aware <br /> of and comply with the reporting requirements contained in state law. <br /> The consolidation of the TIF reporting requirements under the State Auditor's Of- <br /> fice,which is also responsible for financial and compliance auditing,should result <br /> in higher quality financial data- <br /> Options <br /> ataOptions for Legislative Consideration <br /> We think that the continued use of tax increment revenues from pre-1990 districts <br /> to finance general public improvements and community projects is an issue requir- <br /> ing legislative attention. Under normal circumstances,cities would finance these <br /> projects with their own funds,special assessments,or other sources of funding, <br /> such as user fees. Although some types of public improvements may contribute to <br /> development activity,most improvements have little direct impact on tax base or <br /> employment growth. Tax increment financing is being used to provide a state and <br /> county subsidy for functions that most cities finance from other sources. <br /> Therefore,we recommend that: <br /> • The Legislature should consider placing additional restrictions on the <br /> use of tax increment revenues for general public improvements and <br /> j • community projects. Restrictions should apply to all districts certified <br /> f between August 1, 1979 and A; <br /> These districts account for the majority of 1995 captured tax capacity,and some of <br /> Restrictions on <br /> them could last for up to 19 more years. <br /> using TIF for Restrictions on using tax increment revenues to finance general public improve- <br /> general public ments could be structured in a number of ways. One option would be to prohibit <br /> improvements the use of tax increments from pre-1990 districts for specific purposes,such as <br /> could be park improvements and recreation facilities,community centers,civic centers,ice <br /> structured in arenas,wastewater treatment plants,water towers,freeway interchanges,or <br /> several bridges. <br /> different ways. A second option would be to rolubit aay future amendments to eosdw TIF lans <br /> that authorize increased tax increment spen g for general pub�roveme <br /> and community projects. If the Legislature pursues this alternative,it should con- <br /> sider making this change retroactive to,say,January 1, 1996,to prevent cities and <br /> development authorities from approving amendments before a future effective <br /> date. <br /> A third option would be to address those cases involving cities that have lmadi. <br /> adopted amendments to TIF plans for re-1990 districts. The Legislature could al- <br /> low the use of tax increments for new projects or w ch cities have issued bonds <br /> or entered into other legally biding commitmnents by a specified <br /> temspecified date,any projects remaining in the city's amended TIF budget- <br /> could not be financed with tax increments. This option co d be structured similar <br />