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MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: May 21, 1996 <br /> TO: Mike Mornson, City Manager <br /> FROM: Roger Larson, Finance Director <br /> ITEM: SPECIAL ASSESSMENT - 1ST YEAR INTEREST POLICY <br /> With the pending 1997 road project, I would like to suggest we evaluate and set a policy for 1st <br /> years interest charges. Upon review of St. Anthony's special assessment policy, there is not a <br /> clear definition of when interest charges commence the first year. <br /> State statue defines that if no policy exists, interest charges may begin 30 days after passage of <br /> the resolution setting the final assessment. In St. Anthony's case, we set the cost of the <br /> assessment before the project begins and often proceeds the actual construction by two to three <br /> • months. It then becomes impractical to charge interest earnings for a project that has yet to <br /> begin. These charges would be viewed as excessive and to the taxpayer quite unfair. <br /> I discussed this issue with former City Manager, Tom Burt, and his direction to staff was to <br /> commence interest charges when the project was completed. Using this administration <br /> technique, interest charges have began at three different time periods because some road projects <br /> have been completed sooner than others. <br /> From my point of view, it seems inconsistent to administer interest different for each project. <br /> St. Anthony could be challenged as to why we charge one project differently from the other. <br /> Keep in mind that if a taxpayer pays the assessment in full on or before November 30th of the <br /> project year no interest is charged. However, if payment is made after November 30th, the first <br /> years principal and interest charges are assigned to the property taxes. The first years interest <br /> charges are not for 12 months, rather, they are the sum total of one year plus the interest <br /> charges for the year of the project. <br /> Under our present administration methods, St. Anthony residents have been assessed for 14, 16 <br /> and 17 months interest on their first years tax statement. This often generates calls and <br /> questions as to the amount of interest being charged. <br /> Based on the number of calls we receive and my concern to administer all projects equally, I <br /> 0 am requesting Council review this issue at an upcoming work session. <br />