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Q <br /> So what is the League of Minnesota What if our city decides not to pay? <br /> Cities doing? Q <br /> • AAs the magnitude of this issue became Xeague <br /> hat's your choice. As a member of the <br /> clear, the League Board of Directors of Minnesota Cities, you are not <br /> appointed a Rights of Way Task Force to look at required to take part in this effort. However, if <br /> what should be done. Through the course of total city payments fall significantly short of the <br /> several meetings, the Task Force developed a $200,000 goal, the League will not be able to <br /> work program that involves legal, legislative, fully undertake the work plan. <br /> and public information strategies to protect <br /> cities' role in managing the public right of way. <br /> The Task Force estimates that full Can our city pay more? <br /> implementation of the work program could cost Q <br /> as much as $325,000. The Board has agreed toCertainly. In fact, we encourage members <br /> finance this work program by allocating Atoallocate more to this fund if this initiative <br /> $125,000 from the current League budget and is of particular importance to them. If all <br /> asking member cities to voluntarily allocate member cities meet their minimum payment,the <br /> $200,000. $200,000 target is reachable - but it's unlikely <br /> that every city will join this voluntary effort. <br /> Q$200,000 <br /> is a lot of money. What is the <br /> League going to do with all of that? After we pay, how can we stay up to date <br /> rThe work plan includes legal Q on the issue? <br /> epresentation, work with legislative We will keep you informed of any <br /> leaders, and an extensive statewide public Adevelopments through articles in Cities <br /> • information campaign. While League staff will Bulletin, direct mailings, and broadcast faxes. <br /> take on the bulk of this work, it's likely that <br /> outside assistance will be needed. <br /> Clearly, our payment is only part of the <br /> solution. What else can we do? <br /> Q <br /> How did you decide how much you want e The best thing city officials can do is stay <br /> our city to pay? 1-linformed, and pass that information along to <br /> AYour suggested payment is based on a as many others as possible. Discuss rights of <br /> ercentage of your city's 1995-96 League way with your local editors and reporters; make <br /> dues. local control a campaign issue for your House <br /> and Senate candidates; talk to your local <br /> Chamber of Commerce about the business <br /> QDo we have to pay? How will the payment impact of torn-up streets; let taxpayers know <br /> affect our dues? you're working to protect their investment in <br /> No city if required to pay. This is strictly a streets. <br /> voluntary payment. Also, it's entirely <br /> separate from the League dues statement your Q <br /> I'm still confused. Who should I call? <br /> city will receive in September. <br /> XIeague <br /> f you have more questions, please contact <br /> Executive Director Jim Miller at <br /> • (612) 280-1205 or(800) 925-1122, or any <br /> member of the Board of Directors. <br />