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3v <br /> MEMORANDUM <br /> DATE: November 2, 1998 <br /> TO: Mike Mornson, City Manager <br /> FROM: Roger Larson, Finance Director <br /> ITEM: WATER FILTRATION FUNDS <br /> Attached is the annual review of water filtration funds. Presently we are in our eighth <br /> year of the agreement with the MPCA. This agreement provides 90% funding for the <br /> operation and maintenance of the carbon filtration plant through 3/31/01. <br /> Upon completion of the 10 year funding agreement, the City is responsible for 100% of <br /> the operation, maintenance, repairs and building replacement costs. <br /> A concept review of the history of the funds include: <br /> Initial settlement from the Army $3,000,000 <br /> . Less: <br /> Attorney Fees ($ 500,000) <br /> Plus: <br /> Honeywell Settlement $ 500,000 <br /> Net Results $3,000,000 <br /> All of the money has been invested since the City received it with the exception of the <br /> $1,185,000 temporary water filtration bond paid off in 1993. <br /> In 1990, the City implemented a financial plan to build the funds to a level that would <br /> provide annual interest earnings adequate to provide funding for operation and <br /> maintenance and building capital improvements without reducing the principal. <br /> The theory in place is to provide safe drinking water for the community and using the <br /> lawsuit money to pay for it. The present financial plan is accomplishing that goal. <br /> Expenditures in 1997 totaled $123,079, compared to interest earnings of$265,178. <br /> The MPCA has indicated that the projected life to clean up the water could take as long <br /> as 100 years. This means there are long term planning issues and the financial plan <br /> needs to take in consideration the funds needed for building replacement costs (the <br /> . original plant was constructed for slightly over $4,000,000). <br />