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1 CITY OF ST. ANTHONY <br /> 2 WORKSESSION MINUTES <br /> 3 November 4, 1998 <br /> 4 7:00 p.m. - <br /> 5 <br /> 6 <br /> 7 I. CALL TO ORDER. <br /> 8 Meeting called to order at 7:01 p.m. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 H. ROLL CALL. <br /> 11 Councilmembers Present: Ranallo, Marks, Faust, Cavanaugh, and Thuesen. <br /> 12 Councilmembers Absent: None. <br /> 13 Also Present: Michael Morrison, City Manager; Kim Moore-Sykes, Management Assistant; <br /> 14 Jay Hartman, Public Works Director; and Dick Johnson, Fire Chief. <br /> 15 <br /> 16 III. OPUS UPDATE PRESENTATION ON APACHE PLAZA. <br /> 17 Jay Scott, Russ McGinty and Paul Delatto were present to report on the Apache Plaza. Mr. <br /> 18 Scott gave a historical prospective of the project to the present. He reported that Herberger's <br /> 19 has secured the old Montgomery Ward's space in Rosedale, which he felt would open <br /> 20 redevelopment opportunities that have been limited heretofore. Mr. Scott reported that Regal <br /> 21 Theaters is interested in constructing a large-theater complex and WalMart recently contacted <br /> 22 him about their renewed interest in the Apache Plaza site. He indicated that he has gotten <br /> 23 nothing firm from WalMart. He also reported that Herberger's has not indicated to him that <br /> 24 they are leaving Apache Plaza but that this situation does not prevent Regal Theaters from <br /> 5 starting their project. <br /> 6 <br /> 27 Paul Delatto, representative for Regal Theaters, indicated that they are interested in moving <br /> 28 quickly with the construction of the theater complex. He reported that they could conceivably <br /> 29 have the theaters open by the 1999 holiday season. Mr. Scott reported that these large theater <br /> 30 complexes tend to encourage peripheral development, usually restaurants. Both responded <br /> 31 that they don't anticipate traffic being an issue as that the most popular times to go to a movie <br /> 32 is after 7:00 p.m., which is long after the workday rush-hour is over and on weekends. Mr. <br /> 33 Delatto also reported that show times are staggered so that ticket lines are controlled; parking <br /> 34 will be sufficient because again most stores are closed; and they sell 80% of the seating for any <br /> 35 movie, which limits their parking requirements. <br /> 36 <br /> 37 Councilmember Cavanaugh asked if copies of the partnership agreement'between OPUS and <br /> 38 Regal Theaters are available. Mr. Delatto indicated that they have not yet formalized their <br /> 39 partnership with signed agreements but that if the City was favorable to their proposal, <br /> 40 negotiations could begin. Councilmember Cavanaugh requested that the Council be provided <br /> 41 with evidence of paperwork within six months or the City would need to put-the�property back <br /> 42 into circulation. He suggested that the City consider putting a moratorium on Apache Plaza. <br /> 43 <br /> 44 Mr. Scott indicated that moratoriums do not really help to get redevelopment going on a <br /> 45 property. He also indicated that because Apache Plaza is not located'close enough to freeway <br /> 6 interchanges, it is difficult to attract any interest. Most retailers are looking for easy access <br /> 7 and high visibility. <br />