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� 5 <br /> EXHIBIT A <br /> WSB & ASSOCIATES,INC. <br /> GENERAL CONTRACT PROVISIONS <br /> ARTICLE 1-GENERAL ARTICLE 5-AGREEMENT <br /> These general contract provisions are incorporated in and become a As used herein Agreement means: <br /> part of the Agreement to which it is attached between WSB & (1) The agreement for engineering, surveying and planning <br /> Associates,Inc.,hereinafter referred to as Engineer, and the other services; <br /> party to the Agreement,City of St.Anthony,hereinafter referred to (2) These general contract provisions; <br /> as City,wherein the City engages the Engineer to provide certain (3) The attached exhibits;and <br /> services,more particularly described in Exhibit C,Scope of Work. (4) The supplemental agreement,where applicable. <br /> Either party may be hereinafter referred to as party or,collectively, <br /> parties. The starting date will commence when authorized by the As to superseding effect,the attached exhibits shall govern over these <br /> City. general provisions, and the supplemental agreement, where <br /> applicable, shall govern over attached exhibits and these general <br /> ARTICLE 2-CHANGED CONDITIONS provisions <br /> If the Engineer determines that any services it has been directed or <br /> requested to perform are beyond the scope as set forth in Exhibit B The Agreement constitutes the entire understanding between the <br /> or that, due to changed conditions or changes in the method or Engineer and City. The Agreement supersedes all prior written or <br /> manner of administration of the Project, the Engineer's effort oral understanding and may only be amended, supplemented, <br /> required to perform its services under this Agreement exceeds the modified or canceled by a duly executed written Instrument. <br /> estimate which formed the basis for the Engineer's compensation, <br /> Engineer shall promptly notify the City of that fact. Additional work ARTICLE 6-RESPONSIBILITIES <br /> and additional compensation for such work,and the extension of A. In order to permit the Engineer to perform the services required <br /> time for completion thereof; shall be set forth in a supplemental under this Agreement,the City shall,in proper time and sequence <br /> agreement entered into by the parties prior to proceeding with any and where appropriate to the Project,at no expense to the Engineer. <br /> additional work or related expenditures. Such supplemental <br /> agreement shall be incorporated in and become a part of this 1. Provide available information as to its requirements for the <br /> Agreement.In absence of said supplemental agreement,amounts of Project. <br /> compensation and time for completion shall be equitably adjusted. 2. Guarantee access to and make all provisions for the Engineer to <br /> enter upon public and private lands to enable the Engineer to <br /> ARTICLE 3-TERMINATION perform its work under this Agreement. <br /> This Agreement may be terminated by either party upon thirty days' 3. Provide such legal, accounting and insurance counseling <br /> written notice without cause. In the event of termination,copies of services as may be required for this Project,(such as review of <br /> plans,reports,specifications,electronic drawing/data files(CARD), insurance certificates,bonding clarifications and legal questions <br /> field data,notes,and other documents whether written,printed or regarding property acquisition or assessment). <br /> recorded on any medium whatsoever, finished or unfinished, 4. Notify the Engineer whenever the City observes or otherwise <br /> prepared by the Engineer pursuant to this Agreement and pertaining becomes aware of any defect in the Project. <br /> to the work or to the Project,(hereinafter"Instruments of Service"), 5 The City Manager or a person or persons designated,shall act as <br /> shall be made available to the City pursuant to Article 4. All City's representative with respect to the services to be rendered <br /> provisions of this Agreement allocating responsibility or liability under this Agreement. The City's representative shall have the <br /> between the City and Engineer shall survive the completion of the authority to transmit and receive instructions and information <br /> services hereunder and/or the termination of this Agreement. and to interpret and define the City's policies with respect to <br /> services rendered by the Engineer. <br /> ARTICLE 4-REUSE AND DISPOSITION OF INSTRUMENTS OF 6. Furnish data(and professional interpretations thereof)prepared <br /> SERVICE by or services performed by others,including where applicable, <br /> During the course of the work,the Engineer shall make available to but not limited to,previous reports,core borings,probings and <br /> the City copies of the Instruments of Service. At the time of sub-surface explorations, hydrographic and hydrogeologic <br /> completion or termination of the work, the Engineer shall make surveys,laboratory tests and inspection of samples,materials <br /> available to the City the Instruments of Service upon(i)payment of and equipment;appropriate professional interpretations of the <br /> amounts due and owing for work performed and expenses incurred foregoing data; environmental assessment and impact <br /> as allowed in this Agreement to the date and time of termination,and statements; property, boundary, easement, right-of-way, <br /> (ii)fulfillment of the City's obligation under this Agreement. Upon topographic and utility surveys;property description;zoning, <br /> payment,the Engineer and City will jointly own said Instruments of deed and other land use restrictions;and other special data not <br /> Service. Any use or re-use of such Instruments of Service by the itemized in Exhibit B. <br /> City or others without written verification or adaption by the 7. Review all reports,sketches,drawings,specifications and other <br /> Engineer except for the specific purpose intended will be at the documents prepared and presented by the Engineer, obtain <br /> City's risk and full legal responsibility. advice of legal,accounting and insurance counselors or others <br /> as City deems necessary for such examinations and render in <br /> The City agrees,to the fullest extent permitted by law,to indemnify writing decisions pertaining thereto within reasonable times so <br /> and hold the Engineer harmless from any claim, liability or cost as not to delay the performance by the Engineer of the services <br /> (including reasonable attorneys'fees,and defense costs)arising or to be rendered pursuant to this Agreement. <br /> allegedly arising out of any unauthorized reuse or modification of 8. Where appropriate, endeavor to identify, remove and/or <br /> these Instruments of Service by the City or any person or entity that encapsulate asbestos products or materials or pollutants located <br /> acquires or obtains the reports, plans and specifications from or in the project area prior to accomplishment by the Engineer of <br /> through the City without the written authorization of the Engineer. any work on the Project. <br /> Under no circumstances shall transfer of Instruments of Service be 9. Provide record drawings and specifications for all existing <br /> deemed a sale by Engineer,and Engineer makes no warranties,either physical plants of facilities which are pertinent to the Project <br /> expressed or implied, of merchantability and fitness for any 10. Where available provide other services, materials,or data as <br /> particular purpose. may be set forth in Exhibits B. <br /> Exhibit A Page 1 of 3 F.\WPWQJ\CLIEM\Stanthonykxh-a.wpd <br />