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25 <br /> ed from each TIF district, regardless of its certification request date.60 Of the <br /> TIF <br /> increment pool to,New Ido a and St.Anthon re orted the <br /> authorities list onl the Citi o1. <br /> ooled tax increment from their TIF districts certification re uest dates on or after August d <br /> • re one he re orfs that indicated no tax increment had ee n poled <br /> 9 and on or before <br /> however, may not a re a e. a OSA has found that a clues o eephaven, Fergus <br /> Foley Poo a tax Increment om esr TIF districts with certification request e reported that theydates on or after August <br /> pooled <br /> Fo y p et none of these TIF authorities p <br /> 1, 1979 and on or before June 30, 198 ai y put its TIF statutory oversight responsibilities, <br /> Itax increment from these TIF districts. In carrying au ve <br /> t the OSA likel will issue additional no Rs o noncomp Cecag that T Ir <br /> tlon dates on or after August 1, <br /> unproper y ooled tax incrementom <br /> and on or before June 30, 1982,u ess e e afore c anges a aw. <br /> ' e is nec to,clarify this issue. The Legislature was <br /> The�OSSAbelieves that no statuto chango permit <br /> as esst Issue In 1982, and it decline to amend the TIF Act fte Auctivsteli 1979 and <br /> pooling of tax increment from TIF districtswith he er�madates <br /> ash to address this issue thro—ugh <br /> on or before lune 30, 1982. This Legl <br /> statuto char a rather than contlnue to deal with s ecial-law b re ar introduced on behalf <br /> of local governments that have rece'v <br /> m hence. <br /> B. EXCESS TAX INCREMENT AND VIOLATION PAYMENT STATUTES <br /> If the Stearns CountyHRA had returned to the county auditor the$493,305 dfrom from <br /> Dist tr follows:15 <br /> that <br /> the OSA found was excess tax increment,the county auditor would have <br /> • county auditor . . . shall distribute the excess amount to the municipality, <br /> [T]he c y district is locate <br /> county, and school district in which increment financing <br /> direct proportion to their respective local tax rates. <br /> Minn. Stat. § 469.176, subd. 2 (1998). When the TIP Act uses the word"municipality,"it usually <br /> means the municipality that approved the TIF plan for the district 6z in this case, Stearns County was <br /> TIF authorities are required to publish an annual disclosure statement providing information <br /> In <br /> about each of their TIF districts, cluding <br /> "the sum of increments paid,directly or indirectly, <br /> for activities and improvements located outside of the district." Minn ti fa 6rm tion the <br /> 5(b)(1998). In addition,the OSA requires TIF authorities to report <br /> TIF Authority Report. <br /> 61 In addition to these cities, the cities of Cambridge and Forest Lake from des notices ohf <br /> noncompliance finding that they improperly pooled tax increment <br /> certification requests dates on or after August 1, 1979 and o before <br /> June 30, 1982. These <br /> 'I'IF reports for these <br /> cities were not listed above because they were not required to file <br /> districts for the year ended December 31, 1.997. <br /> az See, e.g., Nfum. Stat. §§469.175 subd.3 and 6a;469.176, subd. 1(a);469.1771, subd. 1(c) <br /> . and subd. 5 (1998). The definition of"municipality" is not helpful in resolving this issue. <br /> See Minn. Stat. § 469.174, subd. 6(1998). <br /> 27 <br /> A-a S3I1I0 NW jo 3n5u3-I Wd2o:2o 661 02 Hdti -- <br />