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LEASE <br /> THIS AGREEMENT, made this 27th day of October, 1994, by and between the CITY OF ST. <br /> ANTHONY, a municipal corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, (hereinafter <br /> called "Landlord") and KATHY MARTIN, 1606 - 3rd Street N.E., Minneapolis, MN 55413 <br /> (phone 788-0977 or 788-3632). (hereinafter called "Tenant"). <br /> WITNESSETH: <br /> That the Landlord, in consideration of the rents and covenants hereinafter mentioned, does <br /> hereby Demise, Lease and Let unto the Tenant, and the Tenant does hereby hire and take <br /> from the Landlord the following described premises located in the County of Hennepin and the <br /> State of Minnesota, viz: <br /> That portion of the premises located at 2800 Kenzie Terrace consisting of approximately 605 <br /> square feet, in accordance with Exhibit A attached and made a part of. <br /> TO HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAID PREMISES, without any liability or obligation on the part <br /> of said Landlord of making any alterations, improvements or repairs of any kind on or about the <br /> said premises save as provided herein, for the term of sixty (60) months commencing <br /> November 1, 1994, unless terminated at an earlier date as hereinafter provided, for the <br /> following purposes only to-wit: Offices for a barber shop and uses permitted under the zoning <br /> . ordinances of the City of St. Anthony in the "C" General Commercial Business District, except <br /> those deemed by the Landlord to conflict with the municipal liquor operation. <br /> ARTICLE 1. RENT. <br /> Tenant will pay to Landlord at 3301 Silver Lake Road, St. Anthony, Minnesota 55418, <br /> or at such other address as may be designated by Landlord, without prior demand and <br /> without any deduction or set-off, annual rent in the amount of: <br /> (1) $400.00 per month for the period of November 1, 1994 to December 31, 1995; and, <br /> (2) $410.00 per month for the period of January 1, 1996 to December 31, 1996; and <br /> (3) $420.00 per month for the period of January 1, 1997 to December 31, 1997; and <br /> (4) $430.00 per month for the period of January 1, 1998 to December 31, 1998; and <br /> (5) $440.00 per month for the period of January 1, 1999 to November 1, 1999. <br /> ARTICLE 2. POSSESSION: TERM: RENT. <br /> The term of this lease shall be sixty (60) months commencing on November 1, 1994 and <br /> terminating on November 1, 1999, unless terminated at an earlier date as hereinafter <br /> provided. Landlord shall have no responsibility or liability for loss or damage to fixtures, <br /> facilities or equipment installed or left on the premises, unless caused by the negligence <br /> of Landlord, its agents or employee. <br />