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and evaluation system also will be more efficient for the par- <br /> ticipating municipalities. The SPAS will expose a community <br /> to a much larger group of applicants than would ap ly in' Any <br /> individual community, thus giving the community a etter chance <br /> of finding just the "right" applicant. Use of the SPRS also <br /> will drastically shorten the time required to fill a vacancy <br /> in any community. <br /> The principal need for a centralized repruitment and evalua- <br /> tion system,, howeve , relates to the teat instruments which <br /> will be used to predict an apolicgnt' s job performance. Re- <br /> peated taking of these tests by an applicant will influence <br /> their validity, thus necessitating some control over the ap- <br /> plicant population. If each community were to administer <br /> these tests individually, soon the evaluation process for all <br /> communities would be subject to challenge. <br /> 3. Why is a joint powers organization proposed to administer the <br /> SPRS? <br /> The proposal that a joint powers organization be created to <br /> administer the SPRS reflects the Selection Standards Commit- <br /> tee's philosophy that local communites should retain control <br /> over the recruitment and evaluation of their employees to the <br /> greatest extent possible. It has been estimated that each <br /> year it will take approximately 1,200 hours of professional <br /> and support time to administer the proposed recruitment and <br /> evaluation system. The Committee feels it is highly unlikely <br /> that any existing agency directly responsible to municipali- <br /> ties is willing or able to undertake such a committment, and <br /> it does not recommend that control of this function be trans- <br /> ferred to a higher level of government. <br /> 4. What services will be offered to members of the SPRS? <br /> The SPRS will act as a central "clearing house" to receive <br /> and process applications for the participating municipali- <br /> ties. Written examinations will be given to all applicants <br /> to measure their numeric and creative thinking abilities and <br /> to determine their behavioral tendencies on several specific <br /> dimensions. A composite score based upon each of these in- <br /> struments will become an applicant's "written score" in the <br /> process. Applicants successfully completing the written <br /> examination next will take a physical agility test, which <br /> they must pass in order to be listed on the SPRS eligibility <br /> roster. <br /> A -community wishing to fill a vacancy through the SPRS will <br /> receive the names and written scores of all applicants on the <br /> eligibility roster who have indicated a desire to work for <br /> that community. The community then may select candidates <br /> from this list based upon its own criteria, although such <br /> criteria obviously should be job-related, and it will receive <br />