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5. PAYMENT OF CDBG FUNDS <br /> • The Recipient agrees to provide the Subrecipient with CDBG funds not to <br /> exceed the Hennepin County authorized budget to enable the Subrecipient to <br /> carry out its CDBG-eligible activity/ies as described in Exhibit 1. It is <br /> understood that the Recipient shall be held accountable to HUD for the <br /> lawful expenditure of CDBG funds under this Agreement. The Recipient shall <br /> therefore make no payment of CDBG funds to the Subrecipient and draw no <br /> funds from HUD/U.S. Treasury on behalf of a Subrecipient activity/ies, <br /> prior to having received a proper Hennepin County Warrant Request form from <br /> the Subrecipient for the expenses incurred, as well as copies of all <br /> documents and records needed to ensure that the Subrecipient has complied <br /> with the appropriate regulations and requirements. <br /> 6. INDEMNITY AND INSURANCE <br /> A. The Subrecipient does hereby agree to release, indemnify, and hold <br /> harmless the Recipient from and against all costs, expenses, claims, <br /> suits or judgments arising from or growing out of any injuries, loss <br /> or damage sustained by any person or corporation, including employees <br /> of Subrecipient and property of Subrecipient, which are caused by or <br /> sustained in connection with the tasks carried out by the Subrecipient <br /> under this Agreement. <br /> B. The Subrecipient does further agree that in order to protect itself as <br /> well as the Recipient under the indemnity agreement provisions <br /> • hereinabove set forth it will at all times during the term of this <br /> Agreement and any renewal thereof, have and keep in force: a single <br /> limit or combined limit or excess umbrella commercial and general <br /> liability insurance policy of an amount of not less than $1 million <br /> for property damage arising from one occurrence, $1 million for <br /> damages arising from death and/or total bodily injuries arising from <br /> one occurrence, and $1 million for total personal injuries arising <br /> from one occurrence. Such policy shall also include contractual <br /> liability coverage protecting the Recipient, its officers, agents and <br /> employees by a certificate acknowledging this Agreement between the <br /> Subrecipient and the Recipient. <br /> C. The Subrecipient's liability, however, shall be governed by the <br /> provisions of Minnesota Statutes Chapter 466. <br /> 7. CONFLICT OF INTEREST <br /> A. In the procurement of supplies, equipment, construction, and services <br /> by the Subrecipient, the conflict of interest provisions in 24 CFR <br /> 85.36 and OMB Circular A-110 shall apply. <br /> B. In all other cases, the provisions of 24 CFR 570.611 shall apply. <br />- • 3 <br />