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b. Plans for the Silver Lake Condominiums to be developed by Hunt/Pratt <br /> dated May 18, 2004 including sheets L.0, A0.1, Al.1-4, A3.1, A5.1,A8.1, <br /> A8.2, A10.1, and A11.2. <br /> c. The plat for Silver Lake Homes <br /> 2. The Dominium and Hunt/Pratt projects shall be developed in accordance with a <br /> Planned Unit Development Agreement to be entered into by the City and the <br /> developers. <br /> 3. The developers shall provide an Erosion Control Plan, subject to the review and <br /> approval by the City Engineer,prior to issuance of the building permits. <br /> 4. The developers shall secure an NPDES Permit,prior to issuance of a building <br /> permits. <br /> 5. The developers shall secure a Rice Creek Watershed District permit prior to <br /> issuance of a building permits. <br /> 6. The developers shall have their final choice of exterior building materials and <br /> facade elevations approved by the city's Development Review Committee prior to <br /> issuance of a building permit for any part of the building other than the <br /> foundations. The materials and colors shall be substantially similar to those <br /> represented in the exhibits described in 1 above. <br /> 7. The 2.5 foot landscaping strip shown along the west property line of the <br /> Dominium project be deleted. <br /> 8. The percentage of affordable units in the Dominium building shall be not less <br /> than 20%nor more than 25% of the total numbZayor <br /> ' the building. <br /> Adopted this 22"d day of June, 2004 <br /> ATTEST: <br /> CityClerk <br /> Reviewed for Administration: <br /> City Tanager <br />