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• Bond Fund"), which the City agrees to maintain until the Storm Sewer Bonds have been paid in <br /> full. If the moneys in the Storm Sewer Bond Fund should at any time be insufficient to pay <br /> principal and interest due on the Storm Sewer Bonds, such amounts shall be paid from other <br /> moneys on hand in other funds of the City, which other funds shall be reimbursed therefor from <br /> subsequent receipts of Net Revenues appropriated to the Storm Sewer Bond Fund and, if <br /> necessary, from the proceeds of the taxes levied for the Storm Sewer Bond Fund. The City <br /> Finance Director shall deposit in the Storm Sewer Bond Fund the proceeds of all taxes levied and <br /> all other money which may at any time be received for or appropriated to the payment of the <br /> Storm Sewer Bonds and interest, including the Net Revenues herein pledged and appropriated to <br /> the Storm Sewer Bond Fund, all collections of any ad valorem taxes levied for the payment of <br /> the Storm Sewer Bonds, and all other moneys received for or appropriated to the payment of the <br /> Storm Sewer Bonds and interest thereon. <br /> The City hereby covenants and agrees with the holders from time to time of the Bonds <br /> that,so long as any of the Storm Sewer Bonds are outstanding, the City will impose and collect <br /> reasonable charges for the service, use and availability of the System to the City and its <br /> inhabitants according to schedules calculated to produce net revenues which, will be sufficient to <br /> pay all principal and interest when due on the Storm Sewer Bonds and all other obligations <br /> payable from the Net Revenues. Net Revenues, to the extent necessary, are hereby irrevocably <br /> pledged and appropriated to the payment of the principal of the Storm Sewer Bonds and interest <br /> thereon on a parity with the existing pledge of the Net Revenues to pay outstanding obligations <br /> of the City; provided that nothing herein shall preclude the City from hereafter making further <br /> pledges and appropriations of Net Revenues for the payment of additional obligations of the City <br /> • hereafter authorized if the City Council determines before the.authorization of such additional <br /> obligations that the estimated Net Revenues will be sufficient, together with any other sources <br /> pledged to or projected to be used, for the payment of the principal of and interest on the Storm, <br /> Sewer Bonds and paid therefrom and such additional obligations. Such further pledges and <br /> appropriations of said Net Revenues may be made superior or subordinate to or on a parity with <br /> the pledge and appropriation herein made, as to the application of Net Revenues received from <br /> time to time. <br /> 5.05. 2009A State-Aid Street Bond Fund. The State-Aid Street Bonds shall be payable <br /> from a separate General Obligation State-Aid Street Bonds, Series 2009A Bond Fund (the <br /> "State-Aid Street Bond Fund"), which the City agrees to maintain until the State-Aid Bonds have <br /> been paid in full. The City hereby appropriates to the State-Aid Street Bond Fund the accrued <br /> interest on the State-Aid Street Bonds and any amounts transferred to the State-Aid Street Bond <br /> Fund from the City's account in the Municipal State-Aid Street Fund of the State of Minnesota. <br /> The Finance Director shall follow the procedure set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 162.18, <br /> Subdivision 4, for obtaining such funds. If at any time the moneys in the State-Aid Street Bond <br /> Fund should be insufficient to pay all principal and interest due on the State-Aid Street Bonds, <br /> the Finance Director shall nevertheless pay the same from any moneys on hand in the general <br /> fund of the City, and the moneys so used shall be restored to the general fund from the moneys <br /> next received by the City from the Construction or Maintenance Account in the Municipal State- <br /> Aid Street Fund of the State of Minnesota, which are not required for the payment of additional <br /> principal and interest. <br /> • <br /> -15- <br />