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CC MINUTES 01311969
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City Council Minutes
CC MINUTES 01311969
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L <br /> -2- <br /> the <br /> 2-the January 10th letter of Mayor O'Connor. The Mayor's letter was read by Council- <br /> man Dougherty. He felt the Council had gone a long way from January 10th. <br /> The meeting of January 15th was the first discussion of a full time fire depart- <br /> ment, he stated. In five days the Council went a long ways from its original <br /> position. Instead of talking we threw them out. He felt the Council should <br /> negotiate--the whole Council . It should involve deliberation with residents, <br /> discuss costs, alternatives, whether there should be partial permanent or volunteers. <br /> Instead, he continued, we propose to spend considerably more. The average fire <br /> is one every 3-4 days. Four men in the new department will just be sitting around <br /> all day. The Volunteers have always been available. The advantage is that they <br /> are in the Village close to the fires. Trucks are rolling and the men are leaving <br /> their homes within minutes. There is no response time problem with the Volunteers. <br /> There have been numerous compliments to the Volunteer Department from citizens. <br /> Nothing has been done to say they have not done a good job. The people appreciate <br /> them. Their demands and the manner in which it was made is the bone of contention. <br /> The Volunteers have completely withdrawn their letter--this should have opened <br /> the door to discussion. The roster shows professional people; educated, profession- <br /> al people. The new department could also be dedicated. The Volunteers are trained. <br /> They have experts training them constantly. They have many hours of training. It <br /> is beyond me how we got into the present situation. The Volunteers did attach <br /> strings, but there was a breakdown in communications. He feels that the Council <br /> should not adopt Ordinance 1969-2. It is an error on the part of the Council. <br /> The Volunteers are here to serve us. If not, would they be here to fight the <br /> action. An evening meeting would bring more people. Feels an afternoon meeting <br /> does not give individuals a chance to appear. This meeting, with a 7:00 P. M., <br /> • January 30th notice to me is not proper. A Councilman working in Bloomington <br /> cannot get to this 1 :00 P. M. meeting. Instead the meeting should be at 7:00 P. M. <br /> Special daytime meetings should he aholished. How could we come up with a new <br /> proposal in twelve hours. The Council should have proper information to act upon. <br /> I object to any material that does not come up with sufficient prior notice. <br /> There should be a report by the Manager on the whole proposal . On the mailed <br /> report to residents, he feels the figures not to be correct and the people are <br /> being misled. He stated, the report is a fake. Lets think about a permanent <br /> department, and put the Volunteers back to work. The State Fire Marshal represen- <br /> tative offered to come in. The action is without due consideration. It affects <br /> the long term operation of the Village. St. Anthony is one of few with a full <br /> time department. Bloomington has a Volunteer Department with its present size. <br /> Brooklyn Center is 100% Volunteer department with Brookdale. Why does St. Anthony <br /> need a full time department. We have 35 men in the Volunteer Department. They <br /> are capable, let 's put them back on duty. The Council 's other proposal should be <br /> discussed further with the Volunteers. The Director of Public Safety has not <br /> talked to the Council about this problem; he states he is not a firemen, that <br /> he will have individuals with rank of Captain in charge. It's the responsibility <br /> of the Director of Public Safety to ask what are you doing without consulting me. <br /> The Council is talking of a change without an executive session to discuss the <br /> Director of Public Safety, Police Department, Maintenance Department and the fire <br /> underwriters. The Council should have answers before making decisions. A <br /> corporation would vote out a Aoard if they acted in this manner. There was no <br /> advance work on the Ja nua ry 15th meeting. I made a motion, on that date, to <br /> return the Volunteers on Item #1, and discuss Items 2, 3 & 4 at a later date. <br /> Throw the rascals out seems to be the action. Sure we have disagreements. There <br /> doesn't appear to be a party line vote on the Council. He feels the Council has <br /> been reasonable in the past and should resolve the problem. I feel, he stated, <br /> that by July 1st all alternatives could be resolved. All of us have friends on <br /> the Volunteer Department. Ede can't like all of them--but they are the kind of <br /> people we can sit down and talk with. Lets set up a committee and sit down and <br /> talk with them. This is not an unreasonable proposal . He feels that the Volun- <br />
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