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• final review of the building plans to be made by City staff to <br /> assure compliance with all City and State codes, regulations and <br /> ordinances . <br /> Motion carried unanimously. <br /> Preceding his review of the Board's actions taken following a Public <br /> Hearing on rezoning the Hedlund property, the Chairman commented on <br /> how the procedures which had been set up by the Attorney had made <br /> it so much easier to conduct such a meeting and had provided a more <br /> workable approach to the development of the property. <br /> John Daubney, attorney for Mr. Hedlund and Carl Dale of Design Plan- <br /> ning Consultants then discussed Mr. Hedlund's request for rezoning <br /> from "R-2" to "C" Commercial the approximate 5 acres which he owns <br /> across Silver Lake Road from Apache Plaza, saying the applicant had <br /> no choice but to seek "Commercial" zoning for that tract since the <br /> "PUD" under the City's new zoning ordinance with its restrictions of <br /> 20% commercial did not provide a vehicle for developing the concept <br /> which had been planned by Mr. Dale. The attorney then read letters <br /> from Midwest Federal and the First State Bank of New Brighton stating <br /> those institutions ' unwillingness to provide funding for either bunga- <br /> lows or duplexes on Mr. Hedlund's land because of its proximity to <br /> Apache Plaza and the heavy traffic on Silver Lake Road. Mr. Daubney <br /> felt these letter supported Mr. Hedlund's contention that the land <br /> • could not be developed in the manner in which it is zoned. He said <br /> the plan Mr. Dale had conceived called for 40% of the tract along <br /> Penrod Lane being developed for single family residences with the re- <br /> mainder, except the buffer area between the two, being commercial . <br /> His client, Mr. Daubney said, is not developing the residential portion <br /> first because he wants anyone who purchases or builds one of those <br /> homes to be bound by written affirmation of knowledge that the westerly <br /> portion of the development will be commercial. Mr. Daubney said <br /> Mr. Hedlund was willing to have a legally binding agreement worked <br /> out between the City Attorney and him which will allow his land to be <br /> developed as per the proposal advocated by Mr. Dale. <br /> The planner then presented the same plan he had proposed during the <br /> Public Hearing and reiterated his objections to the City zoning ordin- <br /> ance as a vehicle for accomplishing that project and providing a means <br /> of controlling the architecture so that a "village-like" concept could <br /> be achieved. He said he felt the Planning Board and residents had <br /> agreed to his approach of developing the land but wondered how controls <br /> could be written into the agreement which will provide the necessary <br /> means of controlling the uses by the public. <br /> Mr. Hiebel as a clarification then read the Board 's motion which in- <br /> dicated their intentions to let the Council know they felt the proposal <br /> might deserve consideration subject to ordinance modification or vari- <br /> ances particularly as applied to the "PUD" section if a proper vehicle <br /> for controlling the usage can be worked out with the City staff. <br /> • <br /> (2) <br />