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1 there had been miscommunications between staff and the applicant in <br /> 2 the case of Mickey D' s which, as far as he could tell, had not been <br /> 3 true with the Dairy Queen. <br /> 4 As far as he was concerned, the rotating sign on top of the Dairy <br /> 5 Queen had to come down, the Councilmember said. <br /> 6 Mrs. Plaisted disputed these remarks, saying the tall copper colored <br /> 7 roof on the St. Anthony Dairy Queen was completely new to this area <br /> 8 where all other stores of this kind still retain the red barn mansard. <br /> 9 She reiterated the roof and signage on her store is the only type <br /> 10 Dairy Queen sells at this time, so she and her husband had no choice <br /> 11 but to buy or forget it altogether. She continued to insist her <br /> 12 husband and his contractor believed the building permit issued by Mr. <br /> 13 Hamer covered the signage as part of the building plans. <br /> 14 Werenicz told Mrs . Plaisted the only recommendation the Commission <br /> 15 had made to the Council after the firstOctober 21 , 1986 hearing had <br /> 16 been to deny the pylon sign requested in front of the store. As the <br /> 17 minutes of that meeting clearly show, although his options for signage <br /> 18 were discussed at that meeting, Mr. Plaisted had been warned by two <br /> 19 Commissioners that the rotating roof sign would lose its <br /> 20 grandfathered in status and was told that although the City ordinance <br /> 21 only allowed one sign per store, he might be allowed "one additional <br /> 22 sign because of his location. " The Commissioner commented that was <br /> certainly not the same as the current signage on both sides of the <br /> *23 <br /> 4 building as well as the rotating sign on the top of the building, <br /> 25 which he agreed, should come down. <br /> 26 The Commissioner also told Mrs . Plaisted the difference between the <br /> 27 plans presented at the first hearing and those Mr. Plaisted brought to <br /> 28 the July 21 , 1987 meeting with the Commissioners certainly confused <br /> 29 the issue and reinforced the Commissioners ' recollection that the <br /> 30 applicant and his contractor ' s presentation at the October hearing had <br /> 31 given them the impression that only a remodeling job was contemplated. <br /> 32 Childs , who had not been present for the first hearing, commented that <br /> 33 he perceived from reading those minutes that Commissioner Hansen had <br /> 34 told Mr. Plaisted that although he might be able to put his revolving <br /> 35 sign back up on the roof, he would still have to apply for a variance <br /> 36 "for any additional wall sign. " <br /> 37 Hamer who had taken the City Manager ' s place at the first hearing, <br /> 38 told Mrs. Plaisted she and her husband were still mistakenly insisting <br /> 39 the building permit, which he had issued for the structure alone, <br /> 40 covered signage as well. He indicated he always tells applicants <br /> 41 signage is a separate issue and perceived the very fact that the <br /> 42 applicant had submitted an application for the free-standing sign, <br /> 43 which had been denied, indicated he and his contractor knew they had <br /> 44 to come to the Commission and Council for sign approval. <br /> 46 <br /> 6 <br />