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City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes <br /> . April 10, 2001 <br /> Page 6 <br /> 1 range of 0 to 2000 which indicates the rate of violent crime is very low. Police Chief Ohl stated <br /> 2 that is correct and the City should be proud of that fact since it is a first tier suburb. <br /> 3 Mayor Cavanaugh reviewed the number of moving violations and DWIs and asked if reserve <br /> 4 officers work the street. Police Captain Ohl stated they randomly drive through the City and <br /> 5 attempt to be the "eyes and ears" of the Police Department. He advised of the number of squads <br /> 6 per shift that they utilize. Mayor Cavanaugh asked if a reserve squad car is added to that <br /> 7 number. Police Captain Ohl stated it would be added and explained how their reporting system <br /> 8 works. <br /> 9 Mayor Cavanaugh stated when the City first got the CSO truck, he saw it a lot but has not seen it <br /> 10 in his neighborhood for six to nine months. Police Captain Ohl stated many of the CSO details <br /> 11 are outside of St. Anthony such as taking cars out for radio service, taking tags and citations to <br /> 12 Hennepin County, etc. which decreases the number of trips that police officers have to take <br /> 13 outside of the City. <br /> 14 Mayor Cavanaugh asked about the UHP grant. Police Captain Ohl stated the "Clinton Cops" <br /> 15 grant funds were a three-year commitment and have been expended. He noted there is a one year <br /> 6 retention requirement. <br /> � <br /> 17 Mayor Cavanaugh commented on block parties. Police Captain Ohl explained the original intent <br /> 18 of block parties to reunite neighborhoods and encourage crime prevention. He agreed that it is <br /> 19 difficult to encourage residents toward crime convention. <br /> 20 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if the squads are on 12-hour shifts. Police Captain Ohl stated that is the <br /> 21 case and is the same as many other communities. <br /> 22 Mayor Cavanaugh asked if the officers are EMTs. Police Captain Ohl stated the police officers <br /> 23 are first responders, not EMTs. <br /> 24 In response to Mayor Cavanaugh, Police Captain Ohl explained that night vision equipment is <br /> 25 being checked out and will help with detecting criminal activity. Mayor Cavanaugh noted there <br /> 26 is a decline in criminal activity, which is occurring nation-wide. Police Captain Ohl stated that is <br /> 27 true and may be related to positive economic times. He commented on the importance of staying <br /> 28 on top of criminal activity to assure it stays low. <br /> 29 Mayor Cavanaugh asked about the list of mandates. Police Captain Ohl stated they do have a list <br /> 30 of mandates from the State, one of which relates to racial profiling. He stated no police officer in <br /> 31 the Department has used a person's race when determining whether to stop a motor vehicle. <br /> Mayor Cavanaugh requested enforcement of the outdoor ordinance. He noted it is Spring and the <br /> noise from motorcycles and 4x4's has returned so residents by four-way stop signs are greatly <br /> 34 impacted by those vehicles. Police Captain Ohl stated the Police Department would monitor the <br />