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City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes <br /> May 8, 2001 <br /> Page 8 <br /> • <br /> 1 Budgetary comparisons in the financial statements and must include both the <br /> 2 original budgets as well as amended budgets, a reconciliation between the fund- <br /> i basis and the government-wide financial statements, and other types of financial <br /> 4 data required by previous GASB pronouncements. <br /> 5 Mr. Bonniwell stated that the requirements of this statement are effective in three phases based <br /> 6 on a government's total annual revenues in the first fiscal year ending after June 15,1999. He <br /> 7 indicated that earlier implementation of this Statement was encouraged but not required. <br /> 8 The Council discussed the items reviewed by Mr. Bonniwell and thanked him for coming. <br /> 9 VI. REVIEW ITEMS. <br /> 10 Mayor Cavanaugh mentioned the Stonehouse and the rumors of closing it down. The Council <br /> 11 discussed the rumors, the pull-tabs, and the Sports Boosters. Mayor Cavanaugh indicated that he <br /> 12 would like the City Council to determine a process by which it is decided to shut down the <br /> 13 Stonehouse, in order to prevent them from being forced to do so in an unprepared manner. <br /> 14 City Manager Momson recommended that the appropriate people from the Stonehouse and <br /> 15 Sports Boosters be invited to the next City Council Study Session in June. <br /> *6 Mr. Mornson reviewed a request for the Concert Series to be given some grant money. <br /> 17 Councilmember Hodson recommended that the Concert Series be given a one-time $2,000 grant. <br /> 18 The Council agreed. <br /> 19 Motion by Hodson, second by Sparks, to give the Concert Series a one-time$2,000 grant. <br /> 20 Motion carried unanimously. <br /> 21 Councilmember Horst stated that there was a request for new carpeting in the Community <br /> 22 Service classrooms. He recommended that the Council approve a $3,000 budget for the carpet. <br /> 23 Motion by Horst, second by Sparks to give $3,000 toward the new carpet for the Community <br /> 24 Service classrooms. <br /> 25 Motion carried 4-1. Councilmember Thuesen abstained. <br /> 26 VII. INFORMATION AND ANNOUNCEMENTS. <br /> 27 Councilmember Hodson mentioned the annual Village Gardeners Sale that would take place next <br /> 28 week. <br /> 29 Councilmember Sparks mentioned the series of entertainment that will be happening in the fall <br /> 30 over at the High School in October. She stated that tickets needed to be purchased by May 25`h <br /> for the fall entertainment. <br />