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CC MINUTES 06122001
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CC MINUTES 06122001
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City Council Study Session Meeting Minutes <br /> June 12, 2001 <br /> Page 4 <br /> 1 Mr. Prosser stated the need for a certain amount of income to be available, because the cash will <br /> 2 not be metered out as it has been in the past. He stated that the Council needed to be careful to <br /> 3 maintain a Fund Balance. He stated that, if the tax structure is changed, the ramifications can not <br /> 4 be determined until the changes run a full cycle (a year, or more). <br /> 5 While referring to the Key Financial Strategies Comparative Data,Mr. Prosser indicated that <br /> 6 they would like to see the City of St. Anthony get more commercial as a city to balance out the <br /> 7 Ratio of Total Net Tax Capacity Value, yet development needs to be tailored to the needs of the <br /> 8 community. Mr. Prosser added that, in general, balance is better than in-balance. <br /> 9 Mr. Prosser compared the 1995 Revenues to the 1999 Revenues, and the 1995 Expenditures to <br /> 10 the 1999 Expenditures. He highlighted Improvement Costs, as a significant difference in <br /> 11 expenditures from 1995 to 1999. <br /> 12 Mr. Prosser stated that it is really easy for a city to function, while forgetting about the Public <br /> 13 Works building, the City Hall,etc. by not putting money into them, and that they eventually need <br /> 14 attention, which can be an unforeseen problem. <br /> 15Mr. Prosser highlighted the KFS Initial Findings that included an aging infrastructure, unmet city <br /> 06 facility, and a stable growing tax base. He added that one of the key issues for the Council <br /> 17 would be how to prioritize things, as they do not have a lot of initial money. He added that they <br /> 18 are not digging themselves out of a very big hole, fortunately. <br /> 19 Mayor Cavanaugh thanked Mr. Prosser for coming. <br /> 20 Mike Mornson stated that the next meeting to discuss the process would be October 9, 2001, and <br /> 21 indicated that it was important for all five Councilmembers be present. Mr. Prosser indicated <br /> 22 that he would provide the Council with information for that meeting at least a week ahead of <br /> 23 time. <br /> 24 VI. DISCUSS STONEHOUSE PROPERTY-Jim Prosser, Ehlers and Associates will be <br /> 25 present. <br /> 26 Mike Mornson stated that tonight would be an informational discussion with the Council on the <br /> 27 Stonehouse, and indicated that Liquor Operations Manager, Mike Larson, was present. <br /> 28 Morrison indicated that developing a plan, or options for the Stonehouse property was identified <br /> 29 as Goal #2 for the City at their annual Goal Setting Retreat in 2001. He stated that this has been <br /> 30 concern of the city since 1990, because of the declining income from the operation of the <br /> 31 Stonehouse, as well as increasing building costs. <br /> •32 Mornson paraphrased what he perceived to be the City Council's position on the Stonehouse as, <br /> 33 "continue keeping the operation open and seek ways to improve the operation, but do not spend a <br /> 34 lot of the City's money on the operation because of declining profits and increasing building <br /> 35 needs." <br />
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