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City Council Regular Meeting Minutes <br /> March 26, 2002 <br /> • Page 6 <br /> 1 Councilmember Thuesen asked if Larson was confident that the other large capital <br /> 2 improvement projects that are ahead of them (fire station and public works)could happen <br /> 3 while the city still maintained their A-1 credit rating, and their course of conservative <br /> 4 financial strategies. Larson stated that they are in a position at this time where they really <br /> 5 need to hold still. He added that it may come to be a referendum. <br /> 6 <br /> 7 Mayor Pro Tem Sparks asked where the $11 million that they have in their investment <br /> 8 portfolio came from. Larson stated that it is there from the different bond sales that they <br /> 9 have had from their Tax Increment Districts, and the Water Filtration money($5.5 <br /> 10 million) is included in the $11 million. He added that it is built up over years. <br /> 11 <br /> 12 B. Presentation of Public Works 2001 Annual Report. (Jay Hartman. Director of Public <br /> 13 Works, will be present. <br /> 14 Jay Hartman came forward to present a the Council with a brief overview of the Public <br /> 15 Works Department covering all of the divisions of the Public Works Department. <br /> 16 <br /> 17 Hartman stated that the Public Works Department is comprised of twelve employees. He <br /> 18 sated that the department is responsible for the maintenance and repair of all city <br /> 19 buildings, city property and city infrastructure. Hartman indicated that the Public Works <br /> 20 Department could be broken down into four departments: vehicle maintenance, street <br /> 21 maintenance,parks department, and water/sewer department. <br /> qPHartman stated that the Vehicle Maintenance Department is responsible for the <br /> 24 maintenance and repair of all city vehicles, including fire and police vehicles. He <br /> 25 indicated that the goal of the Vehicle Maintenance Department is to provide a service in a <br /> 26 manner that is competitive, with outside service alternatives. <br /> 27 <br /> 28 Hartman stated that the Street Maintenance Department provides maintenance and repair <br /> 29 to all city roadways, alleys, and city-owned parking lots. He indicated that the <br /> 30 department is responsible for maintaining approximately twenty-four miles of roadway. <br /> 31 He stated that the maintenance includes snow removal, crack filling,joint sealing, ice <br /> 32 control, crack-sealing, and street sweeping. <br /> 33 <br /> 34 Hartman stated that, with reference to snow removal and ice control, the goal of the <br /> 35 Street Maintenance Department is to complete all primary and secondary roads within a <br /> 36 six-hour timeframe. He stated that they responded to seven full snow events in 2001, <br /> 37 using six hundred-fifty tons of salt/sand to provide ice control. <br /> 38 <br /> 39 Hartman stated that the goal of the crack filling and joint sealing is to accomplish 1/5 of <br /> 40 the city per year, for a five-year total goal. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Hartman stated that the spring street sweeping is performed six to seven times per year, <br /> 43 and begins around April 1, and continues through the fall. <br /> 0 Hartman indicated that street striping occurs every year. <br /> 46 <br />