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prepared in accordance with such generally accepted accounting <br /> principles for reasons beyond the reasonable control of the City, noting <br /> the discrepancies therefrom and the effect thereof, and certified as to <br /> accuracy and completeness in all material respects by the fiscal officer of <br /> the City; and <br /> (B) To the extent not included in the financial statements <br /> referred to in paragraph (A) hereof, the information for such fiscal year <br /> or for the period most recently available of the type set forth below, <br /> which information may be unaudited, but is to be certified as to <br /> accuracy and completeness in all material respects by the fiscal officer of <br /> the City, to the best of his or her knowledge, which certification may be <br /> based on the reliability of information obtained from governmental or <br /> other third party sources: <br /> City Property Values; City Indebtedness; City Tax Rates, Levies and <br /> Collections. <br /> Notwithstanding the foregoing paragraph, if the audited financial statements <br /> are not available by the date specified, the City shall provide on or before such date <br /> unaudited financial statements in the format required for the audited financial <br /> statements as part of the Disclosure Information and, within 10 days after the receipt <br /> • thereof, the City shall provide the audited financial statements. <br /> Any or all of the Disclosure Information may be incorporated by reference, if <br /> it is updated as required hereby, from other documents, including official <br /> statements, which have been submitted to each of the repositories hereinafter <br /> referred to under subsection (b) or the SEC. If the document incorporated by <br /> reference is a final official statement, it must be available from the Municipal <br /> Securities Rulemaking Board. The City shall clearly identify in the Disclosure <br /> Information each document so incorporated by reference. <br /> If any part of the Disclosure Information can no longer be generated because <br /> the operations of the City have materially changed or been discontinued, such <br /> Disclosure Information need no longer be provided if the City includes in the <br /> Disclosure Information a statement to such effect; provided, however, if such <br /> operations have been replaced by other City operations in respect of which data is <br /> not included in the Disclosure Information and the City determines that certain <br /> specified data regarding such replacement operations would be a Material Fact (as <br /> defined in paragraph (2) of this subsection (b)), then, from and after such <br /> determination, the Disclosure Information shall include such additional specified <br /> data regarding the replacement operations. <br /> -18- <br />