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• Page 4 <br /> The remaining portions of this document discusses activities that the City will be involved <br /> in so that affordable and life-cycle housing goals and objectives can be accomplished. It is <br /> presumed that the private sector will provide for the development of upper scale housing <br /> based on the current market rates. <br /> ST. ANTHONY VILLAGE <br /> ACTION PLAN NARRATIVE FOR THE YEARS 1996 - 2000 <br /> The following narrative describes in detail those activities that the City will undertake in <br /> an effort to achieve the affordable and life-cycle housing. Several of these efforts will be <br /> on-going and therefore without a determinable time line. For example, once a property <br /> has been identified by the City's Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) as one <br /> that will qualify for City assistance, the time line for its redevelopment will be nebulous <br /> until a developer becomes committed to the project. A time line can then be established <br /> contractually between the HRA and the developer. Under the guidelines of the City's <br /> HRA, the developer usually has six months to one year to complete the proposed project. <br /> • HOME OWNERSHIP: <br /> b Rehabilitation Programs for Single Family Homes. <br /> • CDBG Funds. The City recently joined with other smaller municipalities of <br /> Hennepin County to pool funds that in the past were allocated individually <br /> to each city within Hennepin County. These allocated funds usually proved <br /> to be too little to be of use in the provision of much housing rehabilitation <br /> activity. As a result of participating in the "Urban County" program, St. <br /> Anthony has the opportunity to access through a granting process, a larger <br /> amount of CDBG funds. The City of St. Anthony would propose as part of <br /> this action plan to encourage the use of CDBG funds only for projects that <br /> would support its affordable and life-cycle housing goals. <br /> Ramsey County is also designated as an Urban County for the purposes of <br /> allocating CDBG funds. Because a portion of St. Anthony extends into <br /> Ramsey County, the City will also have the opportunity to access CDBG <br /> funds for affordable and life-cycling housing in that portion of the City in <br /> Ramsey County. <br /> For several years, St. Anthony has not actively participated in other financial <br /> assistance programs for homeowners. However, when a resident has <br /> • contacted the City regarding the availability of assistance for their particular <br /> housing need, staff have provided current information about available <br />