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• VI. METROPOLITAN CITIES <br /> Any metropolitan city executing this Agreement shall defer their entitlement status and become part of <br /> Urban Hennepin County. <br /> This agreement can be voided if the COOPERATING UNIT is advised by HUD,prior to the completion of the <br /> re-qualification process for fiscal years 2000-2002, that it is eligible to become a metropolitan city and the <br /> COOPERATING UNIT elects to take its entitlement status. If the agreement is not voided on the basis of the <br /> COOPERATING UNIT's eligibility as a metropolitan city prior to July 16, 1999,the COOPERATING UNIT must <br /> remain a part of the COUNTY program for the entire three-year period of the COUNTY qualification. <br /> VII. OPMON OF COUNSEL <br /> The undersigned, on behalf of the Hennepin County Attorney, having reviewed this Agreement, hereby <br /> opines that the terms and provisions of the Agreement are fully authorized under State and local law and that <br /> the COOPERATING UNIT has full legal authority to undertake or assist in undertaking essential community <br /> development and housing assistance activities, specifically urba enewal a ubli ly-assisted housing. <br /> Assistant n ttorney <br /> • <br /> • <br /> 6 <br />