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PL MINUTES 06211977
Parks & Planning Commission
Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06211977
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PL MINUTES 06211977
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• regarding the Board's action regarding the side yard variance sought <br /> by Berger for the same addition. The Administrative Assistant told the <br /> Board the variance request was for half of 9 feet 5 inches, which <br /> would be the average of the setbacks of structures on adjacent lots . <br /> William Dircks of Berger said his company had expected to be able to <br /> expand their existing building when it was constructed and the new <br /> zoning ordinance now restricts such action. He said three firms : <br /> Control Date, Burroughs and Zerox have contacted to lease the addition <br /> and the additional cubic footage is essential to accomodate the large <br /> containers those companies plan to store there. Mr. Dircks said if <br /> the request is not granted, his company will have to build the facility <br /> elsewhere and that will result in an economic hardship for them. The <br /> Berger manager said both the front yard and side yard variances will <br /> be necessary to build the required size addition. <br /> The Board considered the May 31, 1977 letter from Jack Fortman, Presi- <br /> dent of Galaxy Enterprises who operate the Auto Trac next door to <br /> Berger at 3009 37th Avenue N.E. , who said he feared the new addition <br /> to berger might cause loss of identification for Auto Trac and asked <br /> that if the new addition were allowed to protrude further than his <br /> building, Galaxy be granted a variance to the sign ordinance which will <br /> permit them to erect a sign perpendicular to the Auto Trac building to <br /> provide better business identification. <br /> Mr. Dircks said he would be willing to make a jog in the configuration <br /> • of the Berger addition if the City staff ascertained it might be <br /> necessary to avoid a traffic hazard for vehicles leaving Auto Trac and <br /> to prevent the loss of business identification for that company. <br /> Mr. Marks questioned the validity of the claim of hardship saying <br /> there is "no inherent right to improve to make it more economically <br /> valuable, especially in view of the high density of the buildings in <br /> the area with the addition" . Mr. Letourneau said he didn't know how <br /> Berger could contract for space they didn't have. <br /> Mr. Rymarchick disagreed with Mr. Mark 's interpretation of what con- <br /> stituted "hardship" and what was "an inherent right to enjoy your pro- <br /> perty and improve it" . He did not feel this land usage was adverse <br /> to the commercial nature of that particular location. <br /> Mr. Marks stated that "property has no inherent right to zoning" and <br /> that undeveloped land can be down-zoned. <br /> Motion by Mr. Bowerman and seconded by Mr. Cowan to recommend for ap- <br /> proval by the Council the variance for a front yard set back repre- <br /> senting the average of the set backs of the adjacent lots with variable - <br /> construction of the southwest corner of the Berger addition to provide <br /> visibility to be determined after an evaluation of the site by the <br /> staff. <br /> • Voting on the motion: <br /> (8) <br />
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