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PL MINUTES 02182003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 02182003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> February 18, 2003 <br /> Page 5 <br /> individuals could be disqualified for employment by certain occupations licensed by the <br /> 2 State if they were convicted of a crime. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Chair Melsha suggested broadening Section 566.17 to any crime that involves fraud, <br /> 5 misrepresentation, and tax evasion. Mr. smith said he could work in the language to say <br /> 6 any crime that doesn't relate to the operation of the business. <br /> 7 <br /> 8 Mr. Smith said he added a statement in the Ordinance regarding not being able to sell <br /> 9 weapons at the Pawn Shop. <br /> 10 <br /> 11 Chair Melsha asked what the difference was between an investigative hold and order to <br /> 12 hold under Section 566.12 (H). Mr. Smith stated an order to hold would be issued by the <br /> 13 Police Department at their discursion, in terms of what type of hold to place on the <br /> 14 goods. Mr. Smith said both the investigative hold and order to hold don't necessarily <br /> 15 need to be included. He said the investigative hold refers to a law enforcement official <br /> 16 and an order to hold is only issued by the Chief of Police. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Chair Melsha asked if an agency in a different jurisdiction could issue an order to hold, <br /> 19 or does it need to come from the City's Chief of Police. Mr. Smith stated he believed it <br /> 20 could come from a different jurisdiction. <br /> 21 <br /> Chair Melsha asked about inspection of items under Section 566.12. He questioned if it <br /> was enough for a licensee to give consent to law enforcement officials, in terms of search <br /> 24 purposes. Mr. Smith said police could investigate at anytime when dealing with liquor <br /> 25 licenses or things that are highly regulated. <br /> 26 <br /> 27 Commissioner Tillman asked about the application renewal under Section 566.08. She <br /> 28 wondered if the application would renew by default and the Council would have to take <br /> 29 action not to renew, or if the renewal needed to be approved each year. Mr. Smith stated <br /> 30 they would have to apply each year and the Council would have to take affirmative <br /> 31 action to approve the renewal. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Commissioner Tillman said the Ordinance stated the Council may grant the renewal <br /> 34 application. Mr. Smith said he could add more specific language regarding the initial <br /> 35 application in order to make it clear. He said the intent would be for the Council to act <br /> 36 on these every year since it's such a highly regulated business. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Commissioner Tillman asked about restrictions on sale under Section 566.13 (1). Mr. <br /> 39 Smith explained it's regarding individuals who are pawning all the time. The concern <br /> 40 would be that it's stolen property. <br /> 41 <br /> 42 Chair Melsha suggested tailoring the provision under Section 566.13 (1) to a reportable <br /> 43 transaction because a typical second hands good transaction is not reportable. Mr. Smith <br /> (n stated some transactions are reportable and suggested increasing the amount from $25.00. <br />
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