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PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Minutes
PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 17, 2003 <br /> Page 2 <br /> from the curb for proposed addition. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 Ms. Hall noted that the City's single-family residential zoning code states that a side yard <br /> 4 adjacent to a street must be at least 30 feet wide. In addition, it is a standard city requirement to <br /> 5 allow for an additional setback of 15 feet for the easement. Given this, Mr. Stepan must be a total <br /> 6 of 45 feet allowance from curb to the new addition along Belden Drive. She advised that the <br /> 7 sketch plan from Mr. Stepan shows a proposed distance of 32'2" from the curb. He is asking for <br /> 8 a side yard variance of 13 feet. The proposed bedroom addition measures 16 feet by 16 feet. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 Ms. Hall noted that Mr. Stepan points to the undue hardship as not having the accommodations <br /> 11 needed. The need, explained in a letter from the applicant, is that an addition will make for an <br /> 12 acceptable living situation for his family. He goes on to explain the corner lot City requirements <br /> 13 restrict him from adding on needed space and is asking for reprieve for his circumstances. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 Dave Stepan, 2813 36`h Avenue NE, stated that he has the original drawings of his home as it was <br /> 16 originally built in 1951. He provided the Commission with an overview of the plans. Mr. Stepan <br /> 17 reviewed the original plans with Commission. He reviewed the location of the house on the lot <br /> 18 noting that the only logical location for an addition would be on the north side of the house. He <br /> 19 explained that he is requesting a variance for additional room and space for his family. He <br /> 20 reviewed the plans stating that he would like to add 16' x 16' room, to be located on the north <br /> 21 side of the house, closest to Belden Drive. He explained that he would need a total of 45-feet for <br /> Ip the addition. He stated that currently it is 34-feet from the house to the curb noting that any <br /> addition to the Belden side of house would require a variance. <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Mr. Stepan reviewed his understanding of the variance and setback requirements and asked why <br /> 26 corner lots are treated differently than lots located in the middle of a block. He explained that <br /> 27 without the addition it would create hardship for his family. He reviewed the hardship with the <br /> 28 Commission stating that with three growing girls they would need an additional bathroom, which <br /> 29 can only done by freeing up one of the bedrooms for an additional bathroom. He stated that this <br /> 30 would allow for ample space for his family. He noted that one of the bathrooms is not heated nor <br /> 31 does it have hot water. He provided the Commission with a copy of the proposed pian for their <br /> 32 review noting that he is presently waiting for a bid from MVP Construction. He referenced a jog <br /> 33 needed in the bedroom area and reviewed with the Commission. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Chair Melsha asked Mr. Stepan to clarify the size of the existing jog. Mr. Stepan stated that the <br /> 36 jog is currently 6-inches. Chair Melsha noted that the house is currently within the setback <br /> 37 requirements noting that the home was built prior to the current code. He stated that based on <br /> 38 current code they are 11-feet out of conformance adding that the Commission would prefer <br /> 39 staying within the 11-feet. Mr. Stepan clarified that he does not need more than 10-inches adding <br /> 40 that he can accept the changes on the 3-feet. He stated that this would bring it out to the end of <br /> 41 the dining room window, which would provide enough space for the addition. <br /> 42 <br /> 0 <br />
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