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PL MINUTES 06172003
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PL MINUTES 06172003
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> June 17, 2003 <br /> Page 4 <br /> will likely return to the Planning Commission on July 15 for related public hearing requests with <br /> 2 final plans. <br /> 3 <br /> 4 Stacie Kvilvang, Project Manager for the Stonehouse Redevelopment Project, provided the <br /> 5 Commission with an overview of the proposed redevelopment plan for the Stonehouse property <br /> 6 location and the new Fire station. She pointed out that this location is at a key entrance into the <br /> 7 City and they would like to base their design on this key point. <br /> 8 <br /> 9 Ms. Kvilvang explained that the current redevelopment plans show 26,000 total square feet of <br /> 10 retail in two buildings, 20,000 square feet in the retail portion and 6,000 square feet for the <br /> 11 restaurant pad. She stated that the two buildings would include a new municipal liquor store, a <br /> 12 new sports bar/restaurant as well as other tenants. She reviewed the location of the building with <br /> 13 the Commission noting that one building would be located on the northern portion of the <br /> 14 property, at the corner of Kenzie Terrace and Highway 88, and the other new building would be <br /> 15 situated where the existing strip mall is located. She stated that construction at the Stonehouse <br /> 16 site would begin in September 2003 and be completed in March 2004. <br /> 17 <br /> 18 Ms. Kvilvang advised that Amcon is in the process of reviewing the City's commercial zoning <br /> 19 code. She stated that presently Amcon would be requesting two conditional use permits, one for <br /> 20 the restaurant, as the restaurant is located less than 250 feet from a residential structure or <br /> 21 district, which is a permitted conditional use in commercial districts, and one is for the on-sale <br /> 9 liquor store, which is also a permitted conditional use in a commercial zoning district. <br /> 24 Ms. Hall noted that according to the Amcon representatives, it is likely that several variances <br /> 25 would be necessary. She reviewed with the Commission noting that, as a backdrop, it is helpful <br /> 26 to know that when looking at the site map, Amcon is considering the restaurant corner to the <br /> 27 north as the front yard and rear yard would be behind the retail center and the liquor store, to the <br /> 28 south. She explained that currently Amcon would be looking for one variance for the rear yard <br /> 29 setback and two variances for the front yard setback. She stated that Amcon Construction has <br /> 30 prepared a memorandum related to the preliminary site and building plans and that they would be <br /> 31 highlighting these in more detail at the next Planning Commission meeting. <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Ms Hall referenced the parking requirements for the restaurant and explained that the amount of <br /> 34 parking needed must be no less than the total designed seating capacity of the structure, divided <br /> 35 by 2.5, plus one parking space for each employee on the largest shift. She stated that the design <br /> 36 of the restaurant has yet to be determined, so the numbers of seats are unknown at this time. She <br /> 37 noted that the developer currently shows 40 stalls for the restaurant. She reviewed the retail <br /> 38 component stating that there must be at least one parking space for every 300 square feet of gross <br /> 39 floor area. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 Commissioner Tillman asked for further clarification for the location of the outdoor dining and <br /> 42 seating. Ms. Kvilvang reviewed the location for outdoor dining with the Commission. <br /> 46 Commissioner Tillman noted that the plan shows an area for trash and asked if this would be for <br /> 45 public use or for the restaurant. Ms. Kvilvang clarified that it would be for the restaurant. <br />
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