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PL PACKET 04192005
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PL PACKET 04192005
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MEKUS STUDIOS LTD <br /> SUNSET FUNERAL HOME AND CEMETERY CONCEPT REVIEW SUBMISSION <br /> ST ANTHONY,MINNESOTA MEMORANDUM FROM CHARLES NELSON <br /> MEMORANDUM FROM CHARLES NELSON <br /> In April,the Alderwoods team began working with Mr.Charles Nelson an Independent consultant Mr.Nelson is the retired State Historical Preservation Architect with over 30 years of experience In the field. <br /> Mr.Nelson surveyed the existing administration building and reviewed the designs for the proposed new funeral home. Mr.Nelson has provided valuable suggestions on the project and feels the project could <br /> be a successful replacement for the existing administration building. <br /> Some of the comments Mr.Nelson highlighted' <br /> Memorandum <br /> TO Alderwoods Group <br /> FROM Charles W Nelson,Historical Architect <br /> DATE 14 April 2005 <br /> SUWECr Preliminary Design Review <br /> Sunil Funeral Home and Cemetery <br /> Thank you for the opportunity to review preliminary reports,plans and specifications abemt ions,now of which has been deemed to be satisfactory Therefore,it has <br /> relative to proposed work for the Sunset Funeral Home and Cemetery.This property, been concluded that the current structure will be <br /> replaced by a new seniawe of <br /> established in 1971,is a significant example of landscape design applied to cemeteries in compatible design This budding will be situated in the soma position as the <br /> the early twentieth cemury,the result being a memorial park consisting of broad expanses existing,fanning a gateway to the park and an architectural anchor to the cast end <br /> of lawn,wmdmg drives,and a dastmctrve central boulevard anchored at either end by a of the mill. <br /> chapel and gmehoase/admmistimron building.The principal monument ofthe park is the • The design of the proposed strrrctare aspects the existing architectural palate by <br /> Tower of Memories,erected at the midpoint of the boulevard,in perfect balance with the incorporating the flavor of the English Jacobean Revival in roof and gable Innes, , <br /> flanking rows of cedar trees.Cmicerred by noted landscape architects Morell and fenestration,and extenor materials. I would, however,suggest that further <br /> Nichols,the park represents a significant example of this Minnesota firm's design investigation be made as to the pane arrangement for the proposed windows to <br /> expertise As such,the property appears to men the criteria for niommataon to the incorporate either a diamond or smaller rectangle mumm penin The design is <br /> National Register of Historic Places not a replica of the existing building,nor almuld it be It is both honest and <br /> respectful <br /> With the above considerations in mind,i visited the site and now offer the following • Suggestions for conservation and integration of uistmg historical features into <br /> comments the new building mclude reincorporation of the distinctive fireplace mantle and <br /> • The central boul—rd/mall is a most significant design feature.Alteration of this mural into the reception arta of the new structure and conservation of the three <br /> feature would certainly adversely impact the eligibility of the property for any prominent leaded glass window panels from the out facade Although salvo of <br /> future consideration for historic atams.The wmpooents mqunruig preservation the oak paneling in the reception twin of the existing building tray nes be <br /> include the continual Ime of cedar trees and the central green.Removal of trees to practical,it a strongly advised to provide a similar paneling in the new reception <br /> provide parking would present a negative impact by interrupting the continuity of errs. <br /> planting.Removal of the central green fir parking would have a similar unpnet. • Overall,I am quite Impressed with the efforts that hale gone into making this <br /> As a compromise measure,1 suggest that the existing green be reduced to the project successful.The proposed design is sensitive to the significant historic <br /> minimum allowable in width to provide for parallel parking along the boulevard chanscs r of Sunset Memorial Park whale addressing the reads of the cemetery <br /> when needed This measure would provide parking and ma ntam the original long coo tho future. <br /> design intent Whcn vowed from various points along the=14 the impact would <br /> be negligible. <br /> • The wrreu gatehouse/administration building is a contributing element to the <br /> design of the park.It is executed in a variant of the English Jacobean Revival <br /> style,and is faced in a gmy gramte similar to that used in the chapel and town,as <br /> well as gateposts It is extremely limned in available space and,as such,has <br /> become fowmaraRy obsolete to mirrena needs.The architects have investigated <br /> alternatives to removal of this structure that include various addniore and <br /> PROJECT NO.20425 Page-5 <br /> Apr 1119,2005 <br />
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