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PL PACKET 11152005
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PL PACKET 11152005
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PL PACKET 11152005
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Planning Commission Meeting Minutes <br /> September 20, 2005 <br /> Page 8 <br /> 1 Ms. Moore-Sykes acknowledged the differences and agreed that there is a big difference. She <br /> 2 assured the Commission that the Building Official and the Fire Marshall work closely on these <br /> 3 requests and do review the issues closes for stormwater and safety issues. <br /> 4 <br /> 5 Commissioner Galyon stated that he understands the arguments for adding the text amendment <br /> 6 noting that as a person who lives in the City of St. Anthony and understanding the impracticality <br /> 7 of the situation for the applicant, the conditional use permit is not a rigorous process noting that <br /> 8 it allows neighbors to come in and voice their opinion in regards to the window well location. <br /> 9 He noted that the third paragraph of the Fire Chief's memo notes that to place an egress window <br /> 10 close proximity to a stairway would be impractical in the event of a fire. He stated that all of <br /> 11 these concerns should be reviewed adding that he would be in favor of putting a review process <br /> 12 in place that would allow the opportunity to talk through the issues. He referenced the text <br /> 13 amendment noting that it states `as long as access to the rear yard is preserved' and asked what <br /> 14 this would mean in terms of access. He stated that the references to access should be further <br /> 15 clarified stating that it would make sense to have some form of process in place to review all <br /> 16 issues. He stated that the process could be changed in the future and further clarified as the move <br /> 17 forward. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Ms. Moore-Sykes explained that preserving rear yard access could mean access for utility repair, <br /> 20 maintenance for easement utilities or emergency vehicle access. She stated that a conditional use <br /> 21 permit process would be considerably more rigorous because it would require a four-fifths vote <br /> 22 and it would require a super majority to pass a conditional use permit. She stated that if the <br /> 23 Commission is looking for more planning oversight they could consider a permitting process <br /> 24 similar to what is used for garages in setbacks. She explained that it would involve a public <br /> 25 hearing but it only requires a simple majority. She stated that it would be a variance process for <br /> 26 the applicant. She asked the Commissioners to recognize that these processes do take time and <br /> 27 that this is a life safety issue that does not have that kind of time for consideration. <br /> 28 <br /> 29 Commissioner Galyon acknowledged the safety concerns stating that there are several options <br /> 30 that could be considered adding that he would like to see some form of process included in the <br /> 31 ordinance that would help to regulate the installation and allow•residents a forum to provide <br /> 32 feedback. He noted that the proposed text amendment is limited to R-1 and R-2 zoning and <br /> 33 asked how R-3 Zoning Districts would be handled. <br /> 34 <br /> 35 Chair Stromgren explained that R-3 Zoning districts are considered separately due to their size <br /> 36 and because they would have alternate escape routes. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Commissioner Jenson stated that in the paragraph following the test amendment it states that the <br /> 39 permit would trigger inspections by the Building Inspectors and Fire Marshall, which would <br /> 40 provide oversight of the construction of the egress window well and setback. He referenced the <br /> 41 example given of the driveway next to the window well and the request to install a small safety <br /> 42 fence and asked if the building inspection process would have the ability to highlight a need for <br /> 43 something like this. <br /> 44 <br />
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